Chapter 16 (Always Right)

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(Maurice's pov)

"Oh! Look a flying turtle!" I yell as I cut a monster in line. I greet the beatle lady behind the counter with a wide grin. She hands me two envelopes and I hand them to (Y/n) which is waiting behind.

I look at the lady slightly confused. "Only two?" I ask. "Thought you'd have some other things to do," she smirks at me and winks. I look at her even more confused, but I nod slowly, turning to face (Y/n).

"I don't know what the fuck just happened," I say as we walk away which makes (Y/n) look at me funny. "I think she's taking about our thing," she smirks and chuckles a bit. I look at her and smirk back. "Our thing?" I question. She rolls her eyes at me, "What else am I suppose to call it?"

I nod my head in agreement. "I guess you're right."

"I'm always right," she corrects me and I chuckle, shaking my head.

"Where to?" I change the subject. (Y/n) looks down at the envelope. "Brooklyn and..." she looks at the other one. "....Honolulu, Hawaii," she looks at me and raises an eyebrow. "Do you like the beach?" (Y/n) asks as I wrinkle my nose at a monster that we pass by. "Never been," I reply.

(Y/n) stops dead in her tracks which makes  me give her a funny look. "What?" I shrug.

"You've got to be kidding me," she says shocked and looks at me with wide eyes.

"I mean, I don't remember a lot from my past," I admit and rub the back of my neck. "I really hope this kid lives near the beach," she huffs and starts walking to Brooklyn first.

Once we're in the prick's bedroom, I loom over his sleeping body. "Aawww, he's going to have a beat down in the morning~" I coo and turn to see (Y/n) looking around the room.

"What should we do, partner?" I ask with a western accent and straighten myself. (Y/n) looks at me and then points at some stuffs animals. "I say  do something with them stuff animals over there," she replies, with the same accent. "Good thinking."

After we are done ripping the stuffed toys open and making a mess in the kid's room, we go to Honolulu.

Once we get inside, (Y/n) rushes to the window. "Yes!" she says excitedly. I come up behind her and look out the big window. I smile at the crashing waves and then her. "Let's prank this kid first," I say and she nods, agreeing.

We run down to the kitchen, making sure to be quiet. I open the fridge to see a glorious chocolate cake sitting there. I pull it out and stick my hand into the dessert, taking a chuck out. I shove it into my face and I hear (Y/n) laugh.

I look up at her and offer her some cake. "What some?" I ask, my mouth full of cake. She shakes her head. "I'll pass, thanks."

I shrug slightly and set the cake aside. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand before smudging the crumbs on my hand onto the fridge door.

(Y/n) examines the kitchen and her eyes land on the knifes. "If you're planning on killing me I suggest you do it when I'm sleeping," I say as she picks one up.

"Parents never like it when their children play with knifes," (Y/n) says which makes me raise an eyebrow at her. She opens the fridge and stabs a gallon of milk. I chuckle before handing her another knife and she stabs a bottle of Ketchup. I lean over the fridge door and sigh contently watching her.

"You know, that's my ideal woman. Someone who's not afraid to stab a gallon of milk," I say smirking, which makes her giggle. (Y/n) turns to me and grins, looking me in the eyes. "And my ideal man is someone who throws pies in my face," she says sarcastically and winks at me which makes me grin.

"Let's go see that beach," (Y/n) says excitedly and I follow her out the back door. She's probably more happy about this than me.

(Y/n) grabs my hand and practically drags me to the shore. "Calm down, (Y/n), you're practically ripping my arm off," I chuckle as she stops right where the water starts. I turn to her to see her staring down at our feet. "What now?" I ask and she looks at me, giving me a bold smile.

(Y/n) starts to take off her shoes which makes me grin wide. I do the same and sit down on the sand, taking off my vest. I look up to see her grab the bottom of her shirt, but she hesitates. I look up at her curiously. I mean I've seen her naked before.

"We don't have to get in all the way if you don't want to," I say softly as I unbutton my blue shirt. (Y/n) looks at me with a soft look before taking off her shirt. I smirk at her before taking off my shirt and then the black t-shirt.

I look up to see (Y/n) that was now in her underwear. "You've seen me fully naked, but I'm just now seeing you with your shirt off," she chuckles while I stand up. I give her a grin and unbuckle my belt and then pants. "Better now then never." I shrug and she quickly averts her eyes as I slid off my pants.

Our relationship is weird. We act like best friends, but we have feelings for each other. We can be ourselves around each other.

(Y/n's pov)

I turn to the water and slowly start to get in. The water is surprisingly warm. I stop when the water hits my waist and look back at Maurice who is staring at me, not getting in.

"Come on, Maurice!" I yell and he shifts on his feet. My mouth slightly drops and I burst out laughing, but I quickly cover my mouth with my hand. Maurice sends me a glare as I stride over to him. "Are you scared, Maurice?" I ask when I get to him.

"What? Nnooo," he says and shakes his head. "I was just...umm....taking it all in," he lies. I only raise an eyebrow at him before taking his hand in mine, walking into the water.

Maurice follows and clamps down on my hand, looking down at the water. He jumps slightly when he sees a fish and I chuckle, kissing his cheek. "Calm down, Maurice," I say with a slight smirk.

Maurice looks at me as I crouch down, putting the rest of my body in the water. He slowly does the same.

"I'm glad I'm doing this with you," I hear Maurice say and I look over to him. He's staring at the sky and smiling. He seems like he calmed down.

"Me too, Maurice," I sigh softly and smile at him. He stares at me for a moment before pulling me into a hug, standing up straight which made me do the same.

"Maurice!" I squeak as he spins me around. I quickly wrap my arms around his neck, in fear that I might fling off. He stops and grins down at me. "Why so happy?" I giggle, staring up at him. "Because I'm with my crush on a beatiful beach! How could I not be happy!"

I giggle again and slid my hands down to his chest. "I guess you're right," I say smiling. "I'm also right, (Y/n)," Maurice corrects me.


They will go see Brian in the next chapter. Bbyye.

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