Chapter 21 (Mickey Mouse)

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Yes, yes I did buy this.

(Y/n's pov)

I walk swiftly to Long Beach, California. I needed to see Mickey again and tell him what happened that night. I've been calling it off for a couple days now. Don't ask me how I got away from Maurice.

I pull myself from under the bed and into to the dark room. I sigh heavily before slipping out the cassette tape that Mickey made for me and set it with the others. Hopefully he didn't notice, yet he probably did.

Mickey was asleep in his bed right now. I hover over him, the tips of my oversized jacket almost touching his face.

I poke his cheek with my sharp nail, making him wince in his sleep. I then grab his arm and shake him lightly. "Mickey!" I whisper-shout.

Mickey grumbles and tries to shoo me away with his hand, but I move myself before he can touch me. I shake him harder this time, saying, "Mickey, wake the fuck up."

Mickey finally slowly opens his eyes, squinting them at me. "(Y/n)?" he asks groggily. I nod slightly and step back, so he can sit up. He has bags on his eyes and he seemed really tired.

"Where have you been?" Mickey asked, almost agitated. He rubs his eyes and stares at me.

I bite my lip, scared that he's mad at me. "Um... I've been busy," I mutter. Mickey sighs heavily and slowly gets out of bed as I stare at my feet.

"Busy?" Mickey asks, clearly not believing me. I slowly look up at him to see a slight smirk on his face.

"Look, I'm sorry about what Maurice said. You could have really gone a two more nights, but he was being a prick," I say, opening up a little bit, but avoiding his question.

Mickey shakes his head. "It's fine," he says before staring at me. "But why didn't you come earlier?"

"I needed to work some things out with Maurice and then try to get away from." I tilt my head to the side a bit. "Sorry, Mickey."

Mickey smiles softly. "It's alright, but you still have to visit me," he says before pulling me into a hug. I accept his gesture and hug him back. "Of course."

Mickey really is a kind person. I guess the nice guy really do finish last.

I slowly pull away and plop down on his desk chair. "Why does Maurice hate me so much?" Mickey asks and sits on the edge of his bed.

I look at the ceiling and spin in the chair. "I guess you're competition to him," I huff while slumping in the chair.

"Some competition I am," Mickey snickers which makes me chuckle. "I already talked to him about it. That it's not right to get jealous of every guy."

I feel Mickey's eyes on me as I twirl around in the chair. "Are you two a thing?" I hear him ask.

I laugh lightly at his awkwardness. "More than that, Mickey Mouse," I tease which makes Mickey make an 'oof' sound.

I put my feet flat on the floor, stopping me from spinning. I look at Mickey with a grin on my face. He is now laying down on his bed, his eyes closed.

"How's all that?" Mickey asks, almost monotone like. "Good, good. We only started dating."

I lay down next to Mickey on the bed with my back up. He opens his eyes and looks at me with me staring back at him.

"What about you? You have anyone that you're looking at?" I ask and kick my legs in the air.

Mickey stares at me for a moment, biting his lip before shaking his head. "Nothing like that."

I roll my eyes at him and smirk at him. "You're full of shit, Mickey Mouse!" I laugh and poke his side.

"Am not!" he defends and grabs his side. I have a grin plastered on my face as I sit on my knees and poke his side lightly. "I see it in your eyes! You're in love!" I tease as he tries to get away from me.

Mickey laughs and tries desperately to grab my wrists or get away as I continue to poke him . "Stop!" he says between laughs. "Not until you tell me who this girl is," I say, trying to sound threatening. 

Mickey puts his hands up. "Okay, okay," he laughs which makes me slowly stop. He composes himself, but still has a slight grin on his face.

"She's beautiful, funny, kind, adventurous, doesn't give a fuck what other people think," Mickey says softly, looking into my eyes.

I raise an eyebrow and rest my head on my shoulder. "And her name?" I already know who it is and I'm honestly regretting doing this.

Mickey slowly reaches up towards me. I furrow my eyebrows and straighten myself. "It's you," he admits.

I take in a deep breath as Mickey looks at me hopelessly. "And I know you have a boyfriend, but I'm glad I said it," he says softly.

I look away from him and to the cassette tapes that are piled on his desk. "I'm sorry," I huff.

Mickey shakes his head and I feel a hand on mine. "Don't be."

I move my hand away from his and slowly get off of his bed. Mickey sits up and watches me closely. "I have to go," I say softly crouching next to the bed.

Mickey tries to stop me, but I'm already slipping into the Underworld. Why did I do that shit? What's wrong with me?

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