Author's Note

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My dear readers,

Writing this was a wonderful journey and I'm happy that so many of you took interest in the story. I would honestly never make it to the end without you, so thank you, everyone, for all your support, whether more vocal and visible through votes and comments, or less visible through quiet reading.

🌹  🌹  🌹

💖 With special thanks to: 💖

Juliette_Aurora -- for being a supportive friend and a dedicated, enthusiastic reader from the very beginning, and for designing this beautiful final cover for the story. 💗 She is also a writer in her own right, writing everything from short stories to novels, and even a POTO fanfiction you might want to check out. 🌹 😉

TheNightMarauder -- for enjoying this story even though it made me put on hold the story she read first 😁😅; for all the useful feedback and for being an awesome friend. 💖 Her story A Timeless Place is also one of my favorite stories on Wattpad, and I fully recommend it. 😊👍

xAdriElsa37x and ChristineDaae1881 and  Phantomess_Rose and BoadiceaHaas -- for being lovely fellow phans, and for all the continuous support and feedback on this story. 💕

Thrushmelody  and dipper_squad  -- for all the hilarious, creative comments, they were such a delight to read! 😁 🙌 💕

And of course, the biggest thank you goes to my precious B., the-editor-behind-the-scenes, without whose support and help this story wouldn't be what it is. 💖💖💖


This was my first fanfiction, and my first completed novel-length work. Now that I've managed to cross that barrier, I am finally ready to tackle all those other ideas that were waiting for me to mature as a writer (or simply to become more disciplined!)

My next work will be a fantasy/adventure/romance, and I hope to start publishing it on Wattpad by the end of the year. I expect it will have all the emotional tension you enjoyed in this story, with even more plotting and intrigue.

🌹   🌹   🌹

   🌹 ~ Recommendations ~ 🌹

If you're looking for more Phantom of the Opera fanfiction, here's a list of several completed stories you can indulge in. I've read them all, and they all had a certain something that made them memorable.

Between Mirrors and Roses by persephone7913
- a really well-written Erik/OC, with a lovely, smart, likeable heroine. If you ever fantasized about taking Christine's place in POTO, read this.

Thought of Everything and Nothing by emmsy662
- a wonderful, modern AU that builds a believable, swoon-worthy romance while maintaining the essence of POTO. Sizzling!

The Underground Music by MusicotheNight
- a really refreshing take that focuses on friendship and adventure rather than romance, fronted by a hilarious heroine with hidden depths. Very amusing and very sweet.

The Portrait that Christine drew by xAdriElsa37x
- a dark, gothic tale of redemption, with a supernatural twist. Interesting because I didn't know what to expect, and different than most phanfictions I've read.


To all of you with whom I interacted in the comment section -- I'll miss you, and our fooling around. 💖😁

To all of you reading this -- read the stories you love to read, write the stories you want to write, and work hard toward the goals you want to achieve.

And don't forget to smile. 😊


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