Small Talk

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During the following days, I was all ears while at La Fenice. The glances were being tossed all too often in my direction, and the scent of gossip hung in the air. For some reason, I had a feeling this had nothing to do with my performance in the new piece, and then Enrico took away all doubt when he strode over and asked me:

"Christina, do you think we will soon have another astonishing production on the level of Titania Enthroned? And I don't mean Verdi," he laughed. "After the fiasco of La Traviata, it takes some effort to bring his work here. Then, any... other ideas?"

"No..." I looked at him with some confusion.

"I thought perhaps you'd know if signor Dessler has another opera up his sleeve," he clarified.

"No. No, I have no idea, why would I know that?" I stumbled through my words.

"Ah, forgive me then, cara mia. I didn't mean to pry. Just mere professional curiosity. And impatience! I hope we get a new grand production soon, by any composer," he looked heavenward, then smiled in greeting and went on his way.

Luckily, whatever he believed of me and Dessler, Enrico treated it as something normal, perhaps due to his own affair with one of the ballet dancers. Still, not everyone was like Enrico, so I decided to speak with Manelli. If anyone will tell me things bluntly, it will be him.

I found him in his office, elbows deep in correspondence, and not in the best of moods. He was still negotiating the terms of our possible production of Aida.

"You'll wear yourself out, signor Manelli, and there are other operas, easier to buy or adapt for our stage."

"Yes, yes, I know, but I really like this one," he said and shrugged. "It might take some time, true, but I fight for these little things. Venice has lost some of the glory it had in my youth. I wish to retain our reputation in any ways I can, and matching Milan's production is one of them."

"Would you hate me if I someday left for Milan?"

He laughed.

"No, my dear miss Daae. I understand ambition. You have my attention, dear. What's the matter? Please, have a seat."

I settled opposite him and hurried to speak up before I lose my courage.

"Are there any rumors flying about, concerning Mr. Dessler and myself?"

He lowered the papers he was working on, and looked at me in surprise.

"Are you upset? You shouldn't be. There are always rumors about everyone and everything. The scandals titillate the public and fill our auditorium. It piques human curiosity, it entertains. Let it be."

"I don't mean the gossip columns, but the people here; my colleagues, people who know me."

He sighed.

"People are intrigued, curious. Mr. Dessler is a peculiar person in his own way; a recluse, as I like to say it. I will be blunt with you now — due to some facts and insinuations, and given your sudden breaking off the engagement to Vicomte de Chagny, I personally do consider that there is some connection between you and Mr. Dessler. I am not prone to carrying tales, but our newest soprano is, I'm afraid."

"Miss Lavizzi," I murmured.

"Yes. She seems to have found out that the house we settled you in is really Mr. Dessler's property, and she spread the news. Never mind her, though. My guess is that she would be happy to take your place and is hoping to provoke you into leaving us."

"She seems so nice to me, though."

"She does, yet looks can be deceiving. Also, a person can be a decent sort and still be prone to certain weaknesses. We're all flawed, aren't we?"

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