The Wedding

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"Well, your hair looks perfect now," Meg smiled. "My fingers will ache for days, but I don't regret it one bit."

She was right. Somehow, she managed to twist my unruly hair into a neat, elaborate haircut, one that turned half of my curls into neat braids, and still left enough of them falling down to give me a youthful look. In other words, to still look like myself.

I stood up to better see myself in the mirror. The wedding dress was ivory white, and my powdered, nervous face looked pale in comparison. The silk hugged my slender form above my waist, with short sleeves and modestly open decolletage to better withstand the summer heat. Below, the skirt held several layers of silk, intricately sewn and caught up with bows in a way that made it look as if I was treading through the clouds. And indeed, I felt a little like that -- halfway between flying and still feeling that I'll fall far below if I stumble.

My heart was in my throat. No matter how much I loved Erik, I was still nervous about the whole ceremony, but equally so, I was determined to brave through it with a smile, keeping in my heart all the joy of the previous evening.

"Are you really going to wear those black pearls?" Giulia asked.

"Yes. I know they stand out, but I don't care. I am wearing them."

"Oh. Well, perhaps it's for the best. They make you look more confident, somehow," she winked at me.

"It is time, Christine," Meg interrupted us solemnly, only to giggle a moment after: "I still can't believe you're marrying.  It's simply too exciting!"

"Don't, you'll make my nerves even worse!" I laughed.

"Any news from downstairs?" I turned and asked Giulia, who was the latest to go and spy on the arriving guests.

"None. It all seems peaceful. Some guests are still arriving. There's a lot of them... Just how many did Mr. Khan invite? It feels as if he's trying to fit half of Montreux into his foyer!"

I frowned, and Meg slapped my hand.

"A bride should look serene and gracious."

I stretched my lips into a silly artificial smile, and then all three of us laughed.

"I'm so happy you're both here," I said. "And never mind the crowd downstairs. If anything, I am lucky that I'm only to wave and smile at them from the balustrade. Erik is the one who will have to go through them, but I hope he won't find it too upsetting, and I hope that this will satisfy their curiosity and buy us some peace at last."

"Me too, Christine," Meg said quietly, squeezing my shoulder.

"You are wrinkling the silk," I teased, then took a deep breath, walked over to the door and grabbed the handle.

Now it begins.

I will be the Phantom's bride after all. I am making that choice. And today, this choice seems right, as much as it seemed wrong years before. And if I needed the final proof, it was there when I reached the gallery and saw all the people downstairs. Erik braved this crowd for me, so that we can be together without me needing to leave this world behind. My heart swelled with love, and, followed by my two encouraging best friends, I stepped out toward my future.

🌹 ~ 🌹~ 🌹



"Who are all these people?" I squeezed through my teeth to Nadir as soon as I had a moment's pause. We stepped out of the foyer to give a few instructions to the butler, and then turned back to join the crush of wedding guests who milled about in the foyer which led to a large sunlit terrace. Soon, they will all gather there to watch me and my love exchange vows. Although I was aware of what we were trying to achieve here, I still disliked the circumstances.

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