Concert in the Castle

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The improvised stage turned out better than expected. Nested beneath the large staircase, it allowed for interesting acoustics that could add an ethereal echo to one's voice. I tested this myself -- and Daroga seemed quite impressed by it.

"You and Miss Daae should sing a duet," he observed.

"Perhaps we will," I said, thinking about it and discarding the idea. No, it wouldn't do to draw attention to myself. And yet I knew that the siren call of her voice will be difficult to resist, especially when I will be so close by.

We had the piano carried to the gallery above the stage, and set up a gold-colored sheet to be strung before it, so that the pianist would be seen only as a shadow. And the pianist, of course, would be me. Daroga insisted on it ever since he learned that I can play the piano.

"Wonderful. You can be Miss Daae's accompaniment," he had said, grinning. It had been on our drive back to Rosier, just after he finished his lunch with Christine.

"You see, she expressed the wish to hold an a capella solo concert, certain that it would be impossible to find someone who could learn to play these songs within a week. But as it is, our problem is solved," he looked at me smugly. His ability to match me in arrogance sometimes annoyed me to no end.

"Let me see the music sheets," I asked, already knowing what I'll see, but feeling an insane wave of pride when I saw it anyway.

My music. All of it. My handwriting, even!

"Oh, Christine..." I murmured.

That had been a day after she told me she loved me. And now, one week later, I eagerly awaited her arrival for the evening's performance. The stage was set, and Christine and the guests were due to arrive during the afternoon.

So far, I had forced myself to walk the castle freely, avoiding the workers, but not exactly pretending to be a ghost. Daroga had gone against my wishes and informed the workers (and the servants) that the overseeing architect was an eccentric, and that they shouldn't fear if they encounter a masked man. He wanted me to be able to interact with the workers openly, and refused to act as my messenger all the time. I still opted to either leave them notes, or to instruct the head restaurateur by intercepting him in dark hallways. The work was progressing as planned, so Daroga did not complain.

By now, one wing of the castle -- the one where the previous owners had lived -- was fully refurnished and as good as new, as it needed minimum repairs. The newly hired staff had everything ready for the guests, and the workers were instructed to remain in the wing where they were encamped, not to disturb us.

Being idle made me uneasy. I began worrying about all the guests, most of which were expected to stay Friday through Sunday.

"What's the matter with you, Dessler? Are you not looking forward to this evening's entertainment? I thought your meeting with Miss Daae went well."

"Leave me alone, Daroga."

"I have told you not to call me that, and yet you persist, again and again. My patience has its limits, you know. I just might start calling you by a funny name, too."

I shrugged, and decided to change the subject.

"How many guests are you expecting?"

"Twelve. As I have said, nothing but a few Swiss associates. Oh, and a pair of French aristocrats, and a local journalist who promised to write a glowing review of the concert."

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