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Once I took her back, I urged Christine to ignore the mess and go to sleep. Her pallor reflected the shock of seeing her home violated, but in the end exhaustion won and she retreated to her bedroom.

I then methodically went through the house, fixing the jammed locks and securing all the exits; cleaning up the broken shards of vases, righting the chairs and tidying the papers, cushions, and whatever else I found lying about. The chaos was manageable, probably because the villain refrained from doing anything that would attract attention from the outside.

The house was situated on a corner between a street and two canals, which allowed for more privacy and was one of the reasons why I bought it, but still Venice was a densely built city, and for once I was grateful for it.

I left the foyer for the end, cutting the ugly rope into pieces to ease my frustration. It bothered me not knowing who that man was.

At the same time, I was distraught by the change in my situation.

Living with Christine, in a house!

It would be paradise, if only it wasn't brought about by the danger that still loomed over her.

I righted the fir that was turned over, and returned the red bows and other decorations in place. It dawned on me that I had no presents for Christine, but then again, neither of us could have anticipated today's bizarre events and their outcome.

When I was done, it was nearly five o'clock in the morning. I carried my things to the attic - a comfortable place that would be easily transformed into living quarters - and rested at last.

* * *

Throughout the Christmas day, the feeling of misplacement enveloped me. This entire situation felt like it was woven from the fog that so often shrouded Venice. I kept waiting for it to disperse, leaving me back inside the basements of the old palace.

Because of this, I carefully kept to myself, making sure Christine was safe, but staying out of her way. She lived through hell last night, and the current situation required subtlety. Hypnosis wouldn't last, and any force would crush Christine's spirit. I would have to guide her heart without her realizing that she is being manipulated.

I had her now, held our connection like a fragile rosebud in the palm of my hand. If I close my fingers, I might destroy this, but if I hold it gently, it might bloom forever.

While I was thinking out my strategy, I was also sketching out ideas for the traps. Laid within the house, they would provide additional protection against the intruders.

The light from the rooftop window was already fading when I heard Christine call out for the first time today.

"Erik? Where are you? Come out!"

I jumped from the spot and rushed down, only to find her waiting in the hallway of the upper floor. She nervously twirled a rose in her hands - the one I left in front of her room this morning.

"I cannot live like this," she spoke with downcast eyes, holding that rose as if it was her anchor.

"You need protection. If you stay alone..."

"No! You misunderstand me. I cannot live with you hovering around me like a ghost. Never seeing you, but always sensing your presence, knowing you're here somewhere, maybe even observing me... It makes me feel haunted. I felt a little safer today, feeling your presence in the house, but at the same time it brought forth some bad memories."

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