First Fight - Angst

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"What the fuck, Connor!" Jared pulled his hair, pacing back and forth across Connor's bedroom. "You fucking stole my summer job money to buy weed?" Connor's face was buried in his hands, ashamed.

"I'm so so sorry, Jared." He croaked, stealing a painful glance up at Jared. He hated seeing his boyfriend so upset. "I have a problem-"

"Damn right you do!" Jared yelled, tears forming. "I worked all summer for that money, and you blew it!"

"I know, I know-"

"No, you don't know, because if you did know, we wouldn't be in this situation!" Jared grabbed his bag. "I just need to go." Connor felt absolutely disgusted with himself, Jared couldn't even stand to be around him. Connor watched silently as Jared slammed the door as he left, leaving Connor alone.

Connor slowly reached over and grabbed a cigarette from his drawer, shakily lighting it with a bright red lighter he had specifically chosen because it was Jared's favorite color.

Inhaling, he laid back on his bed, mindlessly staring at the ceiling. He wished he could take it back, the minute he spent Jared's money he wished he could take it back. Now, Jared probably hates him. The only relationship he's ever had and he already ruined it after six months.

Connor finished the cigarette and put it out on his headboard, he didn't care how much it had cost, his mind was still on Jared. He wished he could hold Jared again, and have Jared tell him it was okay, just like he always did when Connor messed up. But he had seriously fucked it up this time, he didn't know if Jared would forgive him.

When Connor tried to pull his blankets over himself, his hand grabbed fabric that was not thick enough enough to be his blanket. Bringing it closer, Connor realized it was one of Jared's shirts, he must have left it behind the last time he stayed the night. Tears formed at the corners of his eyes as he brought the shirt to his face to smell it. Doritos, lavender, Pepsi, and Axe, just like Jared. It was an odd combination, but it suit him well.

Connor sighed, closing his eyes and imagining his Jared was sleeping beside him again. He fell asleep clinging to Jared's shirt.

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