"Good choice."

She watched me carefully as I poured water for her. I could feel her eyes on my back, and I know what I must look like to her. A punk chick living with Natasha, there weren't many explanations for that. For some reason, Natasha had taken a liking to me and Ava seemed to want to know why.

"Ty russkiy," She decided.

"I am, yes." I grinned, handing her the glass of water. "Just like you and Natasha."

"Early twenties?" She raised an eyebrow, just like Natasha and I do.

Speaking of Natasha, she entered the room and started to set up the couch as a makeshift bed. I glanced at Natasha, and resisted another grin as I said, "Try four hundred and two years old." Her eyes narrowed, trying to decide if I was lying.

I grinned again when Natasha said, "If you're planning on scaring her away, that's the perfect way of doing it."

"You're joking." Ava stared at me in disbelief.

"Not in the slightest." I sipped some whiskey on ice and watched her mind trying to process how that could be possible. Not wanting to watch her struggle, I told her what I was. "I'm a fallen angel, Ava."

I wasn't a fan of all the questions that usually followed the insane discovery, but I tried to answer them as best as I could.

"And your relationship with Natasha is not strictly business, then," Ava observed. Natasha seemed a little embarrassed, so I was the one to tell Ava she was correct. "I never would have guessed." She looked to Natasha. "I always thought of you as a solo type of woman."

"I thought of myself that way too," Natasha admitted, grabbing her glass of whiskey from the counter. "But people change."

"That they do." Ava found a new interest in Natasha as if her being in a relationship had completely surprised her. "How long have you been together?"

Natasha and I locked eyes. Neither of us had been keeping track of the time. "Months?" I was first to speak.

"Was that a question, or an answer?" Ava seemed to be trying to hold back her gaiety.

"Yes," I spoke again, earning a chuckle from the teenager.

"Time doesn't matter, it's not a measurement of love." Natasha decided. "Not to us, anyway. That's why we don't keep track of it."

Ava glanced at the two of us and smiled. "I wouldn't have guessed, judging by looks, that you two would get along." Her words emitted a light laugh from me.

She was right, of course. Natasha was reserved and dressed athletically. She was quiet, but when she spoke everyone paid attention. I, on the other hand, dressed like a punk. Leather jackets, combat boots, a notable lip piercing along with traditional earrings. Dark, faded jeans and ripped shirts lined my closet. I had two pairs of combat boots, one was black and the other was grey. The rest of my shoes were black converse or black athletic shoes for my missions and training.

"It really is a miracle." I nodded, "I didn't think she would ever notice me."

Natasha rolled her eyes, pulling her drink away from her lips. "How could I not notice you? Katya, you were the first recruit we've had since Peter. Everyone was interested in who you were and interested in you."

I dragged my hand across her waist, then moved towards the windows. "Do you smoke, Ava?" I questioned. She shook her head no. "Smart girl."

"You smoke." Natasha scrunched her nose up at me.

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