About Last Night

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Unedited so beware

When Isabella realized Dax was in the room room rushed over towards him. She grabbed his cheeks and then their lips connected. Dax wrapped his arms around her waist, as she ran her hands through his hair.

"I remember." Isabella said as she broke the kiss. "Not everything, but I remember our first kiss I was going to tell you that last night, but you were gone."

Dax didn't speak he just stared into her eyes. "I'll be right back."

Isabella looked confused for a moment then she let go of her grasp so he could leave. As soon as she let him go Dax rushed to the bathroom. The next thing you know he was barfing in the toilet. Isabella heard him throwing up, so she knocked on the door.

"Please don't knock." He had a really bad headache, and he knocking wasn't helping.

So Isabella stopped knocking. "Are you okay?" Isabella asked.

"I'm fine babe."

Dax got up and washed his mouth out. Then he brushed his teeth. He looked at himself in the mirror for a moment. "This is one of the many reasons you stopped drinking Dax."

He opened the bathroom door and saw Isabella standing there waiting.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm going to go take a shower."

Isabella just knodded.

When Dax got out of the shower he put on a black and white pair of plaid boxers, a white tee shirt, and white socks. He ran his fingers through his wet hair as he walked down the stairs. Dylan was still asleep, and Isabella was reading her diary upstairs.

When Dax walked into the kitchen he heard a knock at the door. Dax walked over to the door and opened it.


"You left this." Melanie whispered as she handed him his jacket.

"Thank you."


Dax smiled as she walked away.

"Glenn is a lucky guy." Dax told her.

"Isabella is a lucky girl. Don't drink anymore, I don't like drunk Dax. It took a lot not to stab you."

"Oh goodness, what did I say to you?"

"Nothing too embarrassing." Melanie smiled, and with that she walked away.

When Dax went upstairs again he saw Isabella lying down beside Dylan. They were playing with airplanes.

"I love you Dylan."

"I love you too Mommy."

Dax stood at the doorway looking at the both of them. When Isabella noticed his presence she just smiled at him, he knew she remembered now.

Thirty minutes later Isabella came out of Dylan's room and Dax met her in the hallway.

"You remember!" Dax said enthusiastically as he hugged her.

"I remember everything. So where were you last night?" Isabella said as she gently pushed him away.

Dax stood there in complete silence for a moment. "I-I''

"Don't lie to me Dax."

"I wasn't going to."

"Well, I'm waiting."

"I slept over at Melanie's house last night."

"You mean you slept with Melanie last night." Isabella countered.

This took Dax by surprise. "What? God no Isabella! I had one too many drinks, and she drove me to her house and I slept on her couch. That was it. Nothing more. I promise you that." Dax explained as he reached for her hand.

Isabella quickly snatched away. "Don't touch me! I don't want you anywhere near me! I lost my memory Dax, not my common sense."

"Well you must have lost your mind too if you think I'd cheat on you! You're my wife ! I love you, I wouldn't do that to you!"

"I can't even look at you right now. I lose my memory and the first thing you go do is get drunk, and spend the night with the woman who tried to ruin us!"

"Damn it Isabella! I'm sorry okay!" Dax roared. "I'm sorry that I had a lot on my plate and I went out and had some drinks to get my mind off of things! I'm sorry that I'm a sucky father, and I must be a sucky husband too since I can't get it right the second time around! I almost died twice you know! I sat in a hospital room for a month not knowing if I was going to speak to my family again. I never left your side. And things weren't any better when you woke up and you didn't even know who I was. So yeah, I've been stressed! And I am so sorry that I got drunk, but I didn't cheat on you. So I'm not sorry for being faithful to you." Dax then turned around and pushed Dylan's door open. " Come on Dylan!" Dax yelled across the room as he packed some of Dylan's clothes.

"What are you doing?" Isabella said.

"You said you didn't want to be anywhere near me so I'm leaving." Dax said in a more calm tone.

"Daddy we can't go without Mommy." Dylan cried.

"Come on." Dax said as he picked Dylan up.

"No! You can't take him from me!" Isabella cried as she tried to stop Dax.

"Let go." Dax said.

"What are you going to do when our daughters are born? Huh! Are you going to take them away from me when you get angry?"

Dax didn't say a word he just continued to make his way down the stairs.

"Dax! I won't forgive you for this!" Isabella yelled as the tears fell form her face.

This made Dax stop. He walked over to Isabella and grabbed her cheek. Isabella was breathing heavy as she tried to catch her breath. He leaned down so he could be eye to eye with her.

"We're going to the lake house, because I don't want to say something that I don't mean, and I don't want you to say something that you don't mean out of anger. Don't hate me." Dax kissed her cheek, then walked away with Dylan in his arms.

Dylan was crying and Isabella was too. As soon as Dax closed the door Isabella fell to the floor. She curled up in a ball and cried some more.

She heard the house phone ring but she payed no attention to it, but she did pay attention to the voice mail.

"Hey it's Mel, Thanks for the talk last night Dax it was nice to catch up with you. I hope my couch wasn't too uncomfortable. Anyway I called to apologize about everything I did to you in the past. I'd really like to talk to you and Isabella in person, if that's not to much to ask. Bye."

Isabella sat up from the floor and stared at the phone. This made her feel horrible.

I should've listened to him . I'm such an idiot. Isabella thought to herself.

Then she composed herself, she grabbed the keys to her Tiffany blue car and rushed out of the house.

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