Phone Calls

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Isabella woke up that next morning feeling like the luckiest girl in the world. She was standing there in one of Dax's shirts looking out the window at the beautiful sky. Then she felt Dax's hands wrap around her waist.

"Good morning." Dax said in a sleepy voice.

"Good morning Dax, my top is in the lake."

Dax began to laugh uncontrollably. "I'll get it for you babe. So how was last night?"

"It was perfect."

"You're perfect." Dax said kissing the crook of her neck. "I want to show you something Isabella, get dressed."

An hour later Isabella and Dax were ready to go wherever Dax had planned. Isabella began to walk to the car, but Dax stopped her.

"We won't need the car." He said grabbing her hand.

They walked towards the lake and Isabella stopped while Dax walked towards a small boat.

"Come on sweetie."

He grabbed her hand and led her onto the boat. They sailed through the blue waters. Isabella saw a big  group of beautiful white swans in the water.

"Oh my gosh Dax, look at them!" Isabella was so surprised.

"I know, my mother and I used to come up here to watch them, and feed them. I thought you'd like it."

"It's so pretty! I've never seen so many at one time!" Isabella smiled.

"I wanted to show you that I'm not all about spending an outrageous amount of money all the time. I'm still going to take you out tonight and spend an outrageous amount of money, but I wanted to show you that there is another side to me."

All Isabella could do was laugh. Soon after they finished feeding the swans they went back to the lake house.Dax went to sit on the couch and Isabella sat the phone down and walked over to sit on the couch next to Dax.

"Do you have a pen?" Dax asked.

"There might be one in my purse."

"Will you check for me?"

Isabella walked up the stairs into the bedroom and looked in her purse. The next thing you know she was screaming at the top of her lungs. She ran down the stairs screaming while holding a box.

"Dax what is this?" Isabella yelled.

"I don't know open it." Dax smiled, as he walked over towards her.

She slowly opened the box and began to scream again.

"Baby, I want to keep my hearing." Dax laughed.

"Dax what-what-"

"It was my mother's."

"Dax I can't take this."

"You aren't taking it I'm giving it to you. Here me out, it was my mother's, my father gave it to her when he realized he was in love with her. When my father died my mother told me that when I felt like I was in love to give it to whoever had stolen my heart. I wanted it to be a least expected when I gave it to you  There's something engraved on the inside."

Isabella took the ring out of the box and looked at it. The engraving on the ring said ' I knew I was going to fall in love when I met you'. To fit it all on the ring the engraving had to be small but Isabella was confused, because it took a while for Dax to tell her about his true feelings, but the ring told her he knew that'd he''d fall in love when he met her.

"When I bumped into you something told me to stop you, I just couldn't let you walk away. I didn't plan on hiring you that day,but I didn't plan on letting you leave before I was sure that I'd see you again. I told myself over and over again you'd just be an employee, but I was just lying to myself. A part of me knew I'd fall madly in love with you in the end."

Now Dax's face was only inches away from Isabella. "Say something please." Dax begged.

"I love you." Isabella whispered.

"I love you more." Dax said a his lips met hers. He glided his tongue across her bottom lip asking for entrance into her mouth. Isabella felt her knees get week, and Dax held her waist firmly. She rubbed her fingers through his dark hair as they kissed. When their kiss ended Dax began to speak.

"There is something out back that I want to show you." Dax said.

"I wonder what it is."

"Come." They walked towards the backdoor and when they walked outside Isabella's face brightened.

On the patio was a table set for two, with candles surrounding it, on the table was bouquet of flowers, a full course meal, and a bottle of wine waiting waiting for them.

"Dax! How are you doing all of this without me knowing?" Isabella asked.

"It's a secret. Shh." Dax teased.

"I hope there aren't anymore surprises waiting for me."

"Just one. Look up."

When Isabella looked up she saw an airplane hovering over their heads. The airplane drew hearts in the sky and Isabella's mouth dropped like it always did when Dax was surprising her.

Dax walked over to the table and pulled Isabella's chair out for her. He waved his hand motioning for her to sit. When she sat down he grabbed the flowers off of the table and handed them to her. Isabella smelled the flowers and smiled. She looked through until she saw a card, she opened it and the card read. 'So tell me Isabella, did I make this weekend special?'

"Yes you did Dax, it was perfect." Isabella smiled.

Dax leaned over to kiss her when he heard his phone ring. He looked at the caller ID and realized his mother was calling.

"Hello? What do you mean something happened to Dylan? We're on our way.!"

Within the blink of an eye Isabella jumped out of her chair and ran to get her shoes. She didn't know what happened to Dylan but Dax's tone let her know it was serious.

AN: soooo did you like it?!!?!?!? Please vote and comment PLEASE!!!!!! thanks in advance.

xoxo pinktie

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