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Unedited so beware...

Dax rolled over to pull Isabella close but he didn't feel her laying down beside him. When he opened his eyes it all came back to him. He looked at his clock to see what time it was. It was two in the morning. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes, then he got up and put on a shirt. Dax walked down the stairs, and he stopped in his tracks when he saw Isabella sitting in the living room. She hadn't realized he was there though.

"Hi." Dax said breaking the silence.

Isabella turned around and smiled. She then patted the empty pace beside her motioning for him to sit beside her. And that's what Dax did.

"This is the Titanic." Dax said.

"Yeah, it was on when I came down."

"It's an amazing movie really."

"Yes, they'd do anything for each other." Isabella said with her eyes glued on the movie.

"I'd do anything for you Bella."

"Maybe before I lost my memory I would've been able to say that back to you."

Those words hurt Dax.

"Yeah." Dax said dryly.

"What was I wearing when we first met?" Isabella asked.

"Why? Do you remember something?"

"No. I just wanted to know."

"Black, you were wearing black. Your hair was up in a neat bun, you had on red lipstick, and you were carrying your diary in your hand. I remember it like it was yesterday. I remember every moment with you vividly, I just wish you did."

"What was our first kiss like?" Isabella asked.

"I was nervous, because I didn't know if you liked me at all." Dax said as he moved a little closer to Isabella. "It turns out you did. Then I kissed you like this." Dax said as he moved a loose strand of hair out of Isabella's face, then he kissed her. "I pulled away because I thought you'd slap me or something, and just as I was walking away you pulled me back and you kissed me again like this." Dax said as he took her lips in again, but this time it was longer and more passionate. Dax realized she was kissing him back, with feeling.

When Dax broke the kiss he slowly leaned back, Isabella's eyes were still closed. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. And when they did she got up and began to walk away.

"Wait." Dax said grabbing her arm.

"I'm sorry, I just don't remember."

Then she left without another word spoken by either of them.

Isabella walked upstairs to her old room. When she was inside she quickly closed the door and locked it. She sat on the floor in front of the door and closed her eyes.

Isabella looked at Dax. She took a step closer to him and at that moment his lips gently pressed against hers.

"I'm so sorry, I should go get Dylan." Dax said as he turned around.

Isabella quickly grabbed his arm and turned him around. She cupped his face with her hands, stood on her toes and kissed him again. He grabbed her waist and pulled her closer. This was the moment Isabella had been waiting for.

When they broke the kiss they stared into each other's eyes.

"I also hope we can do something like this again Dax." Isabella said with a smile.

She turned around and unlocked the door. She waved goodbye to Dax before she closed the door.

Isabella opened her eyes again. She felt herself breathing heavy. She touched her lips and said "I remember."

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