The Office

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''Do you like my daddy Izzy?" Dylan asked.

"Of course, he's a very nice man."

Dylan didn't say anything, he just continued to play with his airplane. About twenty minutes later they stopped in front of a brick house with two cars parked outside.

"Hey Dylan I'm going to go get my nephew and then we'll head to the park. okay?"


Isabella hopped out of the car. She left the driver's door to the car open. She walked up the steps of the house and knocked on the door. Within a few seconds a blonde haired woman opened the door with a big grin flashing across her face.

"Bella!" the woman exclaimed.

"Megan!" Isabella cheered back.

"Oh my gosh have you been hiding from me?"

"No Megan, I've just had a few changes happen recently." Isabella explained.

Megan was Isabella's older sister, only by a year. She had blonde hair just like Isabella. She was two inches taller than Bella, she stood at 5'7 with her shoes off. She married three years ago to a man named Rick.

"Kyle! Come here sweetie. Auntie Bella is here." Megan said.

"Auntie Bella!" Kyle yelled, running into Isabella's arms.

"Give mama a hug."

"I love you Mommy." Kyle said.

"I love you too." Megan replied, giving Kyle a hug.

Isabella grabbed his car seat and his bag and they made their way to the car. When they were all situated she introduced the boys to each other.

"Kyle, this is Dylan. Dylan, this is Kyle." Isabella explained to the boys.

"Hi" the boys said simultaneously.

As she was driving the boys chatted about their toys. Dylan obviously liked planes, and Kyle had a love for cars. When they arrived at the park she unbuckled both children from their seat belts and they headed for the sandbox. This adventure to the park was good for the boys but, it was also good for Isabella. She hadn't really gone out in a long time. She was surprised she still remembered how to get around the city. It felt nice to smell the fresh air, and have the wind's breeze kiss her skin. It felt nice to finally relax. She sat on the park bench and watched the boys run and play around. All three of them were enjoying themselves.

Around four o'clock she decided to take the boys home. She took Kyle back home to his mother and then they took off to go back to Dax's house. Well it was now her home too.

When Isabella and Dylan arrived, Dylan ran to his father to tell him about his great day at the park. The little boy was so happy to play with some one his own age for once.

"Thank you Isabella, I'd love to come with you the next time." Dax told her.

"That would be wonderful Dax." Isabella replied with a grin.

After that Dax went upstairs to give Dylan a bath from his day at the park. He changed into a tee shirt and black sweatpants. Dax turned on a cartoon for Dylan to watch.

Isabella had changed into her pink sweatpants and a white fitted tee shirt, her hair was still curled from earlier. She was half way down the stairs when she heard Dax call her name. She made a u-turn up the staircase.

"I'm in the office." Dax said.

"Yes?" Isabella asked.

"I want your opinion on something. please come look at this for me."

Isabella walked over to stand beside the chair Dax was sitting in. He grabbed her arm and gently tugged her so she could actually see the computer screen.

"So I want to expand the Walker Company and this is what I want the building to look like. What do you think?" Dax asked.

"It's big, it's a lot different from the one here Dax.'' Isabella said taking a seat on the opposite side of the office desk.

"I know. I want it to be bigger and better! My father never got a chance to expand, but our company is doing very well, and I just really want to. There's just one tiny problem. If we were to expand I'd have to leave for a little while to make sure the beginning of the construction goes as planned. I'd only be gone two months tops, I just don't want to leave you and Dylan here for that long. So if we do expand would you be willing to come to San Francisco?" Dax asked.

"I'll go where ever Dylan goes." Isabella replied with a smile.

"That's what I needed to here." Dax said grabbing her hand.

Isabella looked down at his hand, but she quickly looked back up.

"My heart tells me that I need to do this for my father, I know that he'll be proud of me."

"Well Dax, do what your heart tells you to do."

Their faces were only inches away from each other. Dax had a faint smile on his face. He was gazing into Isabella's eyes. Those beautiful green eyes.

"I think I'll go get dinner started." Dax said.

No, no, no,no! Come back and look into my eyes again. Isabella thought to herself.

"Dax!" Isabella yelled.

She stood in front of him before he could walk away any further. She grabbed his face, she leaned her head closer to his, and at that moment she snapped back into reality. She noticed Dax had his hands on her waist. She pulled her head away from him and instead of kissing him like she really wanted to do, she simply said,

"Good luck on the expansion." Then she exited the office.

AN: Well I will update soon! I hope you like it!

xoxo pinktie

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