"No, it's fine." Insist Mitsuha, while putting her hands holding at her back.

Silence surrounds them again. Mitsuha doesn't know how to start or what to say, and indeed Taki too. Everyone shut their mouths until Yotsuha, again, push them both on the outside, telling them to go-and-have-a-happy-time already.

"Good luck!" Giggled Yotsuha inside the café as she banged the door close, locking it so they won't come back anymore.


"Um, so.... Is Yotsuha, really like that?" Ask Taki to break the silence encircling them. Mitsuha looked at him as she take her first move, holding Taki's hand.

Taki got red outside. "Yeah, actually, she help me to pick a nice outfit." Smiled Mitsuha as she held Taki's hand tight, and so was Taki, who held Mitsuha's hand more tight. (But not too much)

The two couples walk in a café to take-out the food they like. "I would love to have three cupcakes." Smiled Mitsuha to the person who was getting her order.

I can't wait for the rest of our date. But, I don't even know where we could stay. In the very top of a building? In this café? In Mitsuha's house or my house?

"What are you staring at, Taki?" Ask Mitsuha as she held Taki's hand tighter. (This one is really tight)

Taki woke up from his thoughts because of the pressure in his hand given by his loved girl. 

"Ah! Miyamizu, stop!" Exclaimed Taki because of too much pain cause by Mitsuha.

Mitsuha giggled and let go of his hand. Because of Mitsuha's smile, Taki forgot about his pain and smile widely at her.


"They are so sweet. Taki took Mitsuha on a date." Smiled Sayacchi as she imagine the two couples out on a date, having fun.

Teshigawara looked at Sayacchi then move his look at Yotsuha, who was sitting on the last step of the stairs.

Yotsuha smiled at him. "You must take her out too, now." Whispered the little student to Teshi. Teshi nodded as a yes to take her husband out for a date.

But before that, Teshi stood up and walk out of the café. "Teshie, where are you going?" Ask Sayacchi as she stood up and followed Teshi.

"Hayy, couples." Said the teen girl as she rest her head on her free hands.

"Will you," —Teshi started as he took a red flower from the garden in front of the café and offer it to Sayacchi— "go out with me, now?"

Sayacchi smiled and accept the flower. She hugged her dear husband, and so was Teshi. "Yes, of course!" Exclaimed Sayacchi and let go of the hug.

Teshie giggled. "Know what? I would still say 'yes' even though you don't pick a flower." Said Sayacchi as she looked at the flower on her hands.

"Gommenasai." Sighed Teshie. "I didn't—"

Teshie doesn't have the chance to finish his sentence because Sayacchi surprised him with a kiss on the lips. "No need." Answered Sayacchi.

"I love you, Teshie."

"I love you too, Sayacchi."

And, Sayacchi hugged him again because of too much excitement.


"This is so yummy!" Exclaimed Mitsuha as she took a bite from the strawberry cupcake.

Taki looked at Mitsuha and giggled. "There's a cream on your cheek. Let me get it."

Connecting Paths: Kimi No Nawa Epilogue (unedited)Where stories live. Discover now