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A/N: I ship myself with procrastination and trash
I'm sorry I haven't posted in a long time and I deserve to die in hole
I honestly have so much ideas but my motivation to do them are so low :)))


"And were done!" Kat and Jimin announced at the same time. They looked at each other and they did a little smile.

"YES! FINALLY!!" You exclaimed, pumping a fist into the air.

"There she goes again..." Sanah muttered.

"I get it. You're tired. But am I really that boring?" Kat said but she knew it wasn't true. You stared at Kat with annoyed eyes. "You know very well that it isn't true." You said with a bit of irritancy. Kat shrugged her shoulders. "You never know!" She said playfully.

"Speaking of we're done, it's time for lunch. Let's eat! I'm starving." Jimin said as he turned away and made his way to the dining hall. You shrugged and followed him.

When they reached the hall, there were 4 tables with the 4 houses seated at their respective places. There was a place at one of the tables where 2 Slytherins, 2 Hufflepuffs, and 1 Raven claw sat.

That must be the group of friends that Kat talked about... 2, 3, 4, and 5. Ok, Jimin makes it the 6th, but where's the 7th? You thought as you quickly counted in your head.

"GUYS!! YOU WOULD NEVER BELIEVE WHAT HAPPE-" A Gryffindor shouted but was immediately silenced by the older Slytherin male with his stare.

Aaanndd there's the 7th. You thought. Jimin grabbed you hand and dragged you over to that table. "Come on! Let's go!"

"Wait wait wait! We're going over there?!" Kat said as she paled once again. Jimin only nodded his head. "Of course!"

As they were being dragged to the table, the 6 boys looked up and saw them. A Gryffindor sat up and excitingly screamed, "ARE THOSE THE NEW GIRLS?! THE LATE TRANSFERS?!"

"Taehyung... can you shut up?" Suga said in a low tone. He nodded quickly and quickly sat back down.

"They're going to sit with us." Jimin said as he sat down next to Tae. "...." You didn't say a thing as you sat down next to Jimin, across from Yoongi. Sanah sat next to Jin and Kat sat far away from Jimin.

"Sooo..." Tae started. "My names Taehyung, but call me Tae... Or V!! That Ravenclaw is Namjoon, the two Hufflepuffs are Jin and Hoseok, you've already met Jimin, and the two Slytherins are Jungkook and Yoongi!" He said introducing everyone.

You couldn't help but chuckle noticing his child-like behavior. It was addicting to be around.

"The name's Y/N, pleasure to meet you. This here is my sister Sanah." You said with a warm smile on your face. "So Tae, what was the thing you wanted to tell us?" Jimin asked after I introduced myself and my sister.

"Well... You see, there's an alumni of Hogwarts coming back! She's going to teach some classes, and I heard she's one of the greatest wizards of all time! Like I'm so excited to meet her. Will she be nice? What will she teach?" Taehyung said as he continued rambling.

"Tae..." Yoongi muttered lowly and darkly, "Shut. Up. It's not hard to do." "Give him a break hyung." Jimin scoffed.

"But besides that, when does class start?" You asked while picking at your food.

"It should be starting in a couple of seconds." Kat said while looking down.

You shrugged and asked, "What class is up next?"

"Charms" said Jimin.

"I HEARD THAT WAS THE CLASS THAT THE ALUMNI WAS GONNA TEACH!!" Screeched Tae, once again, loudly screaming. Yoongi slammed the table.

"FOR THE LAST FCKING TIME STOP SCREAMING!" he said in a booming voice that silenced the whole room.

Tae coughed and looked down and muttered a sorry. "No, it's my fault, I shouldn't have overreacted, and I'm having a headache right now, it's my fault" Yoongi muttered an apology that can be heard at the table.

Then time for class started. "Anywayyy, let's go! I want to get to class! And learn!" Sanah said with a clap of her hands. You stared at her as if she was a monster. Learning? You're excited to be learning? L e a r n i n g? You gave her a horrified look but she just shrugged it off.

"Let's. Go!" She shouted. Ajratjajaajfajsjs. You lazily got off the bench and stood up; dusted off your skirt... oh wait... that's right... skirt... you frowned a bit but ignored it as you stared to follow your sister.

You and your little friend group talked about what it was like in the muggle world. You smiled at the memory of your little hideout in the woods. It was a place where you could concentrate and make new music. Time passed by quickly when you were talking to your so called new friends. By the time you guys knew it, you already arrived at the front of the charms class.

"Let's go in." Tae said with a soft rectangular smile. He opened the doors and walked in. You followed behind after everyone got in but stopped mid doorway. 'Nani the fvck?' You thought with a look of confusion and more confusion.

"Well hello there! Welcome to class!" Was all that was needed to be said before you bursted.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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