Chapter 1: A Letter

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BEEP BEEP BEEP goes the alarm clock. "..." BEEP BEEP BEEP, "..." (repeat this like 10 more times)
*Grabs alarm clock, throws it across the room*

"Oi, Y/N, what was that for? You just broke another alarm clock! How many have you broken now? 56? We don't have enough money to pay for all of it. Grandma already works hard enough. So do you mind?" Your sister, Sanah (son - ah) nags you.

"Please, not this early, it's like I don't know 8? It's too early to be waking up, it's Saturday for heaven's sake. But then again, some idiot forgot to turn of the alarm clock, so... um...*ahem*" you said back. Sanah just rolled her eyes. "Come on wake up, ... or else I'll eat your breakfast along with mine." She retorted. At this, you got up, headed to the bathroom, and slammed the door, doing your morning routine. Coming out, with this outfit (btw, you were planning  to take a stroll with your sis at the park later on, but sadly no. Not this morning.)

"Oh hell no, you are not taking the love of my life away from me

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"Oh hell no, you are not taking the love of my life away from me." You growled. "Meh, lets go, grandma's waiting." She stepped out of the room as you followed behind. Your grandma was already at the table, peacefully eating her breakfast.

"Morning Grandma" Both of you greeted politely. "Breakfast is blueberry pancakes with syrup." She sing-songed cheerfully. Hell, you swore that she was the most healthiest old lady you have ever met and you weren't going to look down on that.

"Thanks gram, but I'm going to get the mail before I get breakfast." You stated and you did just that. As you went outside and opened the mailbox, you were greeted by an owl. An owl with a coat of pure white feathers. "Why, hello there little one." Your love for animals was always incredibly strong even as a young one. Your sister has a huge love for animals as well, but you swore that yours was bigger.

The owl gave you a strange looking letter that it held in its mouth. You curiously looked at it before you shrugged. 'Meh' was what you thought as the owl flew away and as you gathered the other mail from the mailbox.

You went back inside, putting the mail on the table, with the strange looking letter on top in front of your grandma. As she laid her eyes on it, she turned deathly pale. "Um... grandma? Are you feeling okay? You don't look to well." You asked concerned while your sister across the table also stared at her concerned. "Haha... BWUAHAHAHA!! I can't believe this, did they already find you already? I only managed to keep you hidden for 3 years and a half. This is quite amusing actually." Now it was your turn to look deathly pale. Never have you ever seen your grandma act up like this. It... shocked you as you might say. Your sister in the other hand, was looking at you and grandma, back and forth, with the look on her face, 'Nope, Not Today, no paranormal activity today, nope, I'm out.'
(See what I did there?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) XD)

As your grandma calmed down, she started to look at the two of you with an apologetic look on her face. "Sorry about that pumpkins, these letters just brought back to much memories..." she sighed, looking at them melancholy. 'Say wha?' You two thought. What was she talking about? "Well my little pumpkins, I guess it's time for me to set you free so you can spread your wings." She saw the confused look on your faces, sighing. "Story time, no?" You and Sanah looked at each other, unsure. "It's okay, I promise that it's nothing bad" your grandma said.

The three of you went to the living room, getting comfy. That's when your dear dear dear grandma, started revealing a whole entire story. It was about a world of magic, filled with wizards and witches, animals; mystical animals to be precise, technically stuff that wasn't seen before on Earth. And of course, as you two were 'NORMAL' people, you had a hard time understanding. Believing wasn't really on your list of emotions to be feeling right now.

Unlike you, your sister had stars in her eyes, listening intently to your grandma. You were just sitting there with a confused look, trying to process what she was saying. Seeing the confused look on your face, your grandma decided to stop, grinning.
"I guess it would be better to just show you. But honestly I have to send a letter to him, it's... been a while..., so girls, start packing you're going to Hogwarts!"


I just reread this and I'm cringing at myself. I swear to you people that my writing will get better and it won't be so cringe that you'll automatically die. It'll still be cringy but not as much... I think

Something New - Min Yoongi x Reader - Hogwarts AUWhere stories live. Discover now