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My back was up against the cold, sleek wall of the interrogation room. I stared at the unconscious man strapped to the chair centered in the middle of the room. He was beaten severely, cuts and blood splotching his face. They couldn't get him to spill any information. That's why Kylo and I were there.

We knew a few things about him by now. Poe Dameron. The Resistance's best pilot. It was no wonder they sent him on a mission to retrieve the map. He was fierce and comical as well. He always seemed to have a joke up his sleeve, even amidst his torturing. He was intriguing.

Poe Dameron began to open his eyes, and I made my way to stand beside Kylo.

"I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance on board." My partner started the conversation. "Comfortable?"

"Not really," Poe replied through battered lips. He was tough, but I knew any more torture would break him.

"I'm impressed. No one has been able to get out of you what you did with the map," Kylo mused.

"Might wanna rethink your technique." The pilot tried to stay light-hearted. His cockiness would probably get him killed one day.

Kylo's hand raised close to Poe's face, and I knew what was to come.

He flinched under his straps, becoming uncomfortable with the increasing tension Kylo was forcing onto him.

"Where is it?" Kylo's voice made a chill go up my spine.

"The Resistance will not be intimidated by you."

"Where...Is it?"

The pilot's screams were hard to endure. I shut my eyes for a moment, eyebrows knit together, and Kylo glanced at me.

When Kylo released Poe he stormed out of the doors, leaving me with the prisoner. I watched Poe go limp, his head tilting loosely to the side. I'm wasn't entirely sure why, but I wanted to know more about him. He was the most exciting thing that had happened in a while.

"It's in a droid. A BB unit." I heard Kylo relay to General Hux just outside the doors. It didn't take him long to dig through Poe Dameron's mind. It was almost scary.

I turned my gaze to the pilot's jacket, noticing how worn it was, but also how personal it must've been to him. I looked down at my clothes. A black, tight fitted shirt covered with a dark shawl accompanied by my black pants and boots that were strapped to my feet. Nothing about my outfit said much about me. Poe's jacket looked like it had history and I was almost jealous. I didn't have anything like that. Even my lightsaber was different from what it used to be.

I was so lost in my thoughts; I barely noticed Kylo re-enter the room. "Our work is done." He was stern and I tore my eyes away from Poe's face. Kylo seemed on edge for just finding out useful information.

I turned to Kylo, and we left the cell.

I followed beside him as we roamed the busy, Storm Trooper filled halls. I could sense he wanted to speak to me. His steps were more hurried than usual. I had a gut feeling the conversation wasn't going to be a walk in Naboo, however.

We stopped in front of his room, and the doors slid open. He stepped inside with me trailing behind. The door closed and I felt him relax slightly. His gloved hands reached up to his helmet. The mask clicked and popped up, allowing him to remove the whole thing from his head. I felt a small tug inside, glad he was comfortable enough with me to loosen up and take it off.

He tossed his helmet on the black cushioned chair to his right and sat on the small couch behind him. He let out a sigh as I walked over to take a seat next to him. He removed his gloves and tried to rub the stress out of his eyes.

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