Dating your best friend

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Stan POV
I never understood how dating your best friend was a bad idea. At the best you get rid of tension and have your best friend as your love. The worst happens when you know you two aren't right for each other.
I always shrugged it off as dumb until it happened. I had a crush on Kyle for the longest time. He's what made everything worth getting up in the morning.
So, I bought some flowers with my allowance, got down on one knee and asked him to be my boyfriend...It hurts now. He said yes. He seemed so happy.
I knew he had a crush on David but that's all I thought it wasn't just a crush.
Everything was perfect for a few weeks. I loved (and still love) Ky with everything I was. I swear to God, one time when we were cuddling on my couch. I could smell him, I know that sounds weird, but he smelled exactly like strawberries. I was so happy.
After a few weeks of us dating David came out and said he liked Kyle. My anxiety and depression kicked in full swing. I was terrified. I knew Kyle liked David more.
He started to hangout with David more, he started wearing David's jacket, he wouldn't look at me he'd only talk to David.
I had felt so hurt and abandoned. Then he did it. He broke up with me. He said he didn't want to but if I wasn't making Kyle happy, I'll let David make him happy. That's all I want.
David now thinks I hate because every time Kyle and David touch I look away and try not to cry.
I don't hate you, David. I hate myself and how I wasn't enough and will never be enough.
It hurts to know you love Ky in a way I could never compare.
I guess my philosophy on dating your best friend was wrong. You broke my hear, Ky, but I swear to God I still love you with all the pieces.

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