See what?

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Kyle POV
Our world is filled with soul mates. It is said that when you touch your soulmate you will see what they call color. They say it's beautiful and indescribable.
I know myself this is true. I remember the first time I saw in color.
"Stan!" I yelled and rush towards my friend. He had been gone for a week for a Christian Bible camp and even though we texted night I still missed him.
He pulled me into a hug and I closed my eyes to enjoy the hug but when I saw again there was color. An amazing blue looking back at me.
I got so excited. I had found my soulmate and he's my best friend!
"Do you see that?!" I practically yell from excitement. He lets go of me and steps back taking all the beautiful colors with him.
"See what?" He replies. My heart stops. How can he be my soulmate but I'm not his.
I back up and all the color drains away. It's grey, white and black. I want so badly to rush back into Stan's arms and see his beautiful eyes again but I'm not his soulmate.
I feel tears run down my face. "Dude! What wrong are you okay?" He touches my arm, I see color again.
Maybe I'm broke. Maybe Stan isn't supposed to show me these amazing colors.
"Stan. Do you see colors with Wendy?" I ask, sniffling.
"Oh, this again. Kyle. One day you'll touch someone and see color. It's astonishing and-and"
"Indescribable." I finish for him looking around at all the beautiful colors while his hand is still on my shoulder.
He's told me this speech a thousand times. I was always so anxious to meet my soulmate and no girl I ever met made me see color.
I never touched Stan before and I had never thought that my best friend would be my soulmate.
I've cried many times about not finding a soulmate and Stan just comforts me verbally until now that is. His hand is on my shoulder. I see his blue eyes. I can't help but wonder what my eyes are colored while I stare at his.
"That's right. Indescribable. One day you'll touch someone and everything will change for the better."
But it didn't.
As kids he and I were still super best friends and hugging and small touches with your friend are perfectly normal for children but every time I'm not touching him the colors disappear.
Cartman always makes fun of me for always leaning on Stan and pulling him around by his arm but I didn't care.
I realized a little after that it wasn't even the colors that make me want to be around Stan and touch him at every opportunity, It was Stan himself.
Now we're older, Tomorrow we start our first day of High School actually, I can't pull Stan around by his arm and I can't lean on his shoulder and hang on him anymore. We're not children.
I love Stan but I think I've got to let him go.

Style: One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon