Chapter One

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The second we left California the sky turned a deathly black and the heavens quite literally opened up around us, which had to be a sign or an omen. I was big into the occult much to the dislike of my mum and older sister. Dad supported my lifestyle choice, even buying me occult books because reading is good even if you are reading about angels and demons.

"Why did we have to leave California Andy? I've never heard of Wakefield, sounds like something out of Kylie's creepy goth books."

Lily, my older sister and from my mum's first marriage groans loudly next to me in the backseat never once looking up from her phone. Ever since dad had said we were moving across the country she called him by his first name. Lily was popular, in her final year of high school, had good grades and was dating a jock.

Juliet or mum turns around in the passenger seat and smiles weakly at Lily, "your dad got offered a better job with more prospects. Plus everything wasn't so peachy in California. You'll make new friends Lily."


Lily plugs in her headphones and starts blasting Katy Perry. We both knew our mum cheated on dad and this was meant to be a fresh start for the whole family away from temptations of the big city, along with rekindling their marriage.

When mum talked about better job prospects, she meant Wakefield had a reputation for mysterious deaths and since dad was a mortician or undertaker it made sense to go where the money was. The guy who ran the funeral directors had died and dad took the job without any hesitation or discussion. Yes, that made me the mortician's daughter but I'd been around death my whole life so it didn't bother me anymore.

"Hopefully the weather clears up before we get there."

Both mum and dad smile at me in the mirror before going back to their own conversation. Leaning my face against the window I start to trace the raindrops with my fingers. Wakefield wasn't far from Salem, home of witches and I couldn't wait to soak up all the paranormal history.

I'd done my research on the small town and found there was very little to do outside of school. They had a three-screen cinema, a bowling alley, a park, and only a scattering of shops which were mainly clothing boutiques. In California, you had everything at your fingertips, but now we'd have to drive two towns over to have any fun.

~Few Hours Later~

"Girls we are coming up to the town now."

Rubbing my eyes, I yawn and stretch having taken a nap after the last rest stop. I stare out of the window, the rain had stopped but the sky was still a dark grey and cloudy. Just like dad said we pass by the 'Welcome To Wakefield' sign meaning we were now at our new home.

Our new house was attached to the funeral directors; the place was huge compared to our house in California. Even Lily was stunned into silence as dad pulled the car up the drive.

"Welcome home girls."

I get out and grab my bag. Mum and Lily were already on the porch opening the front door. Dad leans against the car lighting up a cigarette despite the fact we tell him those things will kill him one day.

"I thought you were cutting down dad?"

He laughs, "It's a hard habit to kick Kylie. Now, do you want to see your room? I think you're going to love it."

I tilt my head to the side, "why will I love it, dad?"

"Because I had the attic converted into a bedroom with an ensuite for you my little demon."

A Cheshire Cat grin stretches ear to ear on my face, not just at my pet name but because dad had actually listened to my rants about wanting a cool attic room at some point.

"I love you so much, dad."

I peck his cheek before running towards the house. Lily was gushing about how big her room was but I push past her and find the door leading up to the attic.

Turning on the light I gasp taking in the room as I climb the final stair. I had a cushioned window seat which overlooked the town on a clear day I assumed. There was a large double bed, a comfy loveseat at the end, a dark wood desk with my trusty laptop sitting on top, and the icing on top of the cake was a wall of books. I run my fingers along the spines of mostly first additions, I knew what I'd be spending a lot of time doing.

"I have the best dad."

Jumping on the bed I spread out like a starfish on the very cushiony memory foam mattress and sigh, "memory foam, she remembers me."

Which reminded me that I needed to catch up on the Supernatural finale before people on Tumblr spoilt it for me and I'd have to hunt them down one by one and silence them.

"Remember you start your new school tomorrow demon. Get some rest, try to make some friends and for the love of God make good choices."

Dad stands at the top of my stairs, and I sit up and smile back at him.

"You know I always make good choices dad, but making friends has never come easily to me. People just don't seem to like being around me, they say I feel cold."

"I'm sure you'll make friends in this town Kylie. Now I have some final documents to sign before I can officially open the business. Goodnight little demon."

He turns off the light and heads back down the stairs even though I was still in my clothes. I pick up one of the pillows and pretend to smother myself, I wasn't looking forward to starting a new school tomorrow. People would call me a freak and I'd sat on my lonesome for the rest of my high school life. I just wanted to learn the family business, at least the dead would be my friends.    

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