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The woman covered her mouth as she finished the final note. The things that people did to that poor child made her feel sorry for her, but her pity could do nothing as she tried to imagine what a life like that would have meant. Tears brimmed her eyes as she leaned in her husband's chest. He lulled her that everything could be better but she burst up crying even louder this time.
''when we have our child, we will love her and protect her- and-and accept her'' she sobbed between tears.
''we will honey, we will'' the husband seemed to stare into oblivion as he imagined the lengths he would personally go to protect his little girl.
While the wife cried into her husband's chest she looked over his shoulder to see something shining in the dark. It looked like a flash drive. She slowly loosened her grip and trod towards the closet. It was a flash drive with dark nail polish on the surface. The woman's eye was filled with skepticism as she hurriedly play the video.
A young girl appeared on the screen, she had black hair that reached her waist and she wasn't your stereotype heroine. She was beautiful, what some may consider as fat, is marvelous and beautiful. Her brown eyes squinted down the screen as she spoke.
''hello there, if you are watching this video then you read my letters. I know they were sad and depressing but I had nothing happy to talk about and frankly no one to talk to'' she pause
''I know you're confused, I should be dead but I'm not. I was in a coma for a year and when I awoke I had a therapist given to me. She said that we can either give up or keep fighting, it takes a lot of energy but its worth it. I was ready to give up then but monthly sessions helped me, and I talked to her about everything. Slowly things got better for me. I was lucky I didn't die, I was blessed that I did not  die-''
The tears slowly slipped down her rosy cheeks as she wiped it off with her hoodie
''I'm sorry, I can't help it. So yeah…Hate! We've all hated before, either someone, something or even ourselves. But is hate such a powerful thing that it can destroy you. Yes,it can and it almost crushed me. I didn't hate what happened or the people  but I hated myself for everything and I almost killed myself.

You see, hate is a story etched on my mind that I do not wish to revisit.

Letting go of it was the hardest thing that I ever did.

My ineffaceable memories will be here with me for as long as I am alive, I had to forgive and I had to let go. I did in these letters and now you will learn how to treat people and how to treat yourself. Be happy, because happiness is not a feeling but a choice, feelings fade with time but our decisions stick with us forever. Choose to love yourself and most importantly, choose to love others. Bye''
And the screen swallowed up into a blank reflection of the couple immersed in their happy tears.
Minerva made her choice to live, what will you choose, call it quits or keep going!

 Minerva made her choice to live, what will you choose, call it quits or keep going!

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