Chapter 1

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I usually put something random as chapter titles but right now is all business.

Two things before we start. First, this story is dedicated to my best friend abby378. And the beautiful cover photo was designed by bcdwolf.


Junmyeon's POV


I awoke much like I did any other day, to the sounds of bells and people talking quietly, probably trying not to rouse me. I sighed, rising to my elbows and sweeping my hair out of my face. I glanced around my grand room. Floor to ceiling windows dominated one wall, with a set of double doors leading out into the balcony being the only sign that it wasn't completely glass. Of course they'd fitted every window with dark blue curtains. I had my own washroom, complete with a large tub in the center.

"Ah, Master Junmyeon," I heard above me, and I finally looked up. There stood Hee Chan, who was basically tasked with being my babysitter. I sat up fully, the blankets tumbling away. "Would you like us to draw a bath for you this morning?" he asked.

"No need," I replied, rising and striding to my closet. I threw the doors open, quickly scanning my outfits. "Are mother and father ready for breakfast?" I asked. When Heechan said nothing, I turned to face him. "Are they?" I repeated.

"Actually Junmyeon," he began. "I think they meant to tell you last night, but you'd turned in early. They flew to China this morning. Something about a diplomatic meeting." I sighed, turning back to my clothes. I selected comfortable clothes to lounge around in. They must've forgotten they promised me we'd all eat together. Again. In my sixteen years of existence, eating a simple meal together with my parents was practically unheard of.

"Very well," I said, exiting my room. Heechan scrambled to follow. I looked around. Maids and housekeepers ran around, making sure every last inch of the castle was absolutely spotless. Whenever they caught sight of me, they stopped and bowed respectfully.

"There's another thing," Heechan continued, falling in step beside me. I glanced over at him. "They said something about flying back tomorrow. With the royalty from China." That stopped me short, and Heechan walked a few more steps before realizing I wasn't beside him anymore. "They said something about a party," he continued. "And apparently the Zhang's have a son about your age."

"Yixing," I responded, finally getting my wits about me. "Yes, I knew that." Though all I knew about him was his name. I often didn't find the lessons of foreign bodies to stick, much to my parents' disappointment. "Very well then," I said resuming my walk to the kitchen. "We'll make sure this place is spotless for their return."

"I didn't expect anything less," Heechan said. "You always were very mature." I stifled a sigh, making my way into the kitchens. The chef bowed to me as I helped myself to some sweet breads. I left the kitchens shortly thereafter, instead making my way to one of the many lounges. We had more than we needed. I was the only one who ever used them anyway. I threw myself onto the couch with my breads, picking up the remote I left there last night and flipping through channels. I sighed.

I'll admit to being disappointed about not being able to see my parents this morning. They were always so busy, it was hard to plan anything with them. But last week they promised me they had nothing going on today, so we were going to have breakfast together. I'd been skeptical, but as the week dragged on and the plans still remained, I'd allowed myself to be hopeful.

"Are you okay sire?" Heechan asked, worry lacing every word. I glanced up to him, my insides twisting. It wouldn't be a stretch to say Heechan knew me better than my own parents did. I ducked my head, mentally counted to five, and looked back up, successfully gaining my composure.

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