We Need Your Help

Start from the beginning

In the four hours it took for Ryan and Cliff to get to Austin, it was now 7 am and Jensen had searched all over for (Y/n). He first went to his house that was an hour away. Went to Jared's and explained about Ryan and Cliff and his suspicion about David. Jared and Gen said they would keep calling (Y/n) and watching out for her if she pops up at there house or Jensen's. Jensen made it back to the (Y/l/n) household and picked up Matt so her could show Jensen all the spot's around town that (Y/n) would've went too.

Hitting every bar, park, library, lake, and Gas-n-sip, Jensen and Matt couldn't find (Y/n). They were scared, worried, and just wanted (y/n) home. As Jensen pulled back into (Y/n)'s childhood house, he noticed Cliff and Ryan talking to Katharine at the front door. Greeting them, Jensen, Matt, and Katharine pulled the body guards into the house to figure out where to go next.


You moved your head side to side as you began to wake. You were tired and you felt a little sick to your stomach. As your vison became clear, fear filled your eyes. You found yourself tied by your wrists and ankles to a bed. You frantically moved your head around the room for anything that could help you.

Finding nothing, you began to tug at the restraints until you heard footsteps get closer to you in the dark room. "Don't," You let out a cough. "Don't touch me." You spoke. "Oh, I plan on it." The voice that used to haunt your nightmares spoke from the darkness. A light was turned on and you saw  him. Two feet in front of you, same smug smile, same hair, and the same sketchy feelings still arose on your body as he spoke.

"David! Let me go! We are over! Let. Me. Go." You yelled and David immediately coved your mouth with a bandana and tied it behind your head. "As much as I love to hear you talk sweet cheeks, I rather you not wake the neighbors up. Happy to see you awake, you've been asleep for a few hours. I was getting worried that I would have to have all the fun with out you." David moved to the side of the bed and flipped out a knife in his hand and trialed the blade down the side of your face.

You began to squirm at the touch of the cold blade across your face. Memories of the year you spent being tortured began to flood your mind. But, you found out at that moment, with a blade that close to your skin, moving was not the best thing to do. The blade nicked your cheek and it stung for a few moments and soon the blood flowed down your face. "Dammit! Can't keep you from getting a little bloody, can we?" David moved from the bed and went into what looked like a bathroom.

For the moments that he was gone, you looked all over again. You tried to find a way to get out of this grasp but youdidn't know what to do. You never told anyone where you went. No one was ever going to find you. You began to cry even more at the thought of being with David forever. He came back with a cloth and moved towards you face. You moved from his hands and David let out a frustrated sigh. "God damn, (Y/n). Don't be a bitch. Let me clean your face," David moved the wet rag closer to your face but you moved your head again. This got him angry.

David slapped your face, right where the blade got you, and then grabbed under your chin so you couldn't move your head. "You listen here sweet cheeks cause I'm only gonna say this once, I'm the boss here, okay? I say what happens and I'm control. You listen, we'll have a good life together. You disobey, you get hurt," David dropped the rag on the bed stand and brought his finger to your temple and began to drill down on your head. "Get it in this pretty head of yours that you will never see your precious Jensen again. Or your family. We are together now, and before we loose anymore time we already have, we are going to start making our family today!" David ripped off the gag and crashed his lips against your and you wanted to throw up. His tongue moved across your lips and wanted to enter your mouth, but you did not want his nasty tongue in your mouth. David slapped you again, "Open your damn mouth and kiss me like a real women." You hesitantly opened your mouth and David began to make out with you more.

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