She shook her head no. "It's a little upsetting that Bucky won't remember me, but it has never hurt me the way it did once. And Matthew...that doesn't hurt too much."

I didn't know what to say to that. I wasn't even sure what to say in general. So the only noise at the moment was the cars and people that can be heard through the window, and the gentle Ukrainian-Russian that was heard through the door as a couple walked past the room.

"What are you thinking?" She asked me.

"I'm not thinking at all," I lied, meeting her blue eyes once again.

She kissed me gently, her soft lips felt so right against mine. I tasted her strawberry chapstick, as her hands went through my hair. The kiss was slow and wonderful.

When she pulled away, she made me look at her. "I'm over it. I promise I'm over it. But it still hurts sometimes." She uttered, then kissed me again. I pulled her by her waist, bringing our bodies closer. She stopped the kiss again. "It may be the first time I've been with a woman, but I know it's real, and I love you." Those were the only words I needed to hear. They settled my heart and made me smile.

"I love you too, and I'm so glad you agreed to this." I let go of her and backed towards my living room. "What music do you listen to?" I asked, going through some CD's I have.

"Oh," Natasha began to walk towards me. "I don't...I don't usually listen to music." 

I stared blankly at her. "Really?"

"I never have time."

"Well, Miss Romanova, you will have a lot of time now. We have a month together, remember?" I gave her a smile.

"Don't remind me," She looked down, unhappy. "Only a month together before you leave."

"You know you can always choose to come with me." My heart ached for her. I needed her like I needed air and the thought of leaving alone might kill me.

"I'm not done here, Katya. I can still do good for these people." She rubbed her hands along her pants. "But I understand why you want to leave. You've already saved the world, and left your mark on the Avengers." I nodded, but still not understanding. "There's still something that I have to do...I don't know what, but I feel it. My job isn't done."

"I understand." I nodded and put a CD into the player. "I'm just going to use all the time I have with you."

The music began to play, and Natasha raised an eyebrow at me. "Rap?" She asked. I smiled in response. "For dressing as punk as you do, I didn't expect Chance The Rapper."

"Ah, so you've heard of him." A smirk rose to my lips.

"Yes, but I've never listened to him." I could see Natasha paying attention to the lyrics.

"The song name is All We Got," I told her, walking into the kitchen to check in the fridge. There was a gallon of water, and for some reason, a bottle of wine. "Damn, I really need to go shopping."

Natasha looked into the fridge and laughed. "Let's go shopping then."

I paused the music, and Natasha grabbed a hat, probably for her identity. I handed her a key, it was the spare I had to the apartment.

"What's this?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at the key.

"Yours. So if you choose to not go with me, this is your place, if you ever want to live normally for a few days." She looked touched by my words, and so I kissed her cheek as if giving her the apartment was no big deal.

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