Road Trip - Part II

Start from the beginning

Dean's eyes looked away but only for a moment, he was soon back to staring at the angel amgrilly "Why are you doing this, huh? We fought together. And I trusted you! I thought you were one of the good guys!" The angel averted his gaze from Dean's "I am doing what I have to do." Dean seemed taken aback before he practically whispered "well, so am I." The two shared a look before Dean turned towards the three behind him, looking down at Crowley. The demon stood up calmly, grabbing a thin metal rod from the table and piercing it into Sams skull "So am I." The angel gasped in pain, causing Ashleigh to flinch and look away.

Dean, Castiel and Ashleigh paced the room quietly as Crowley went to work on the angel possessing Sam, screams echoing throughout the building. Dean watched with an unreadable expression before he hurried out of the room. Castiel followed quickly behind, leaving Ashleigh to watch over Crowley and the unknown angel.

"Hey" Cas spoke softly as he walked up to his friend who was clearly havibg a rough time.

"I can't watch that anymore."

"I understand. Its not Sam, but... Its still Sam."

"Pretty much, yeah." Dean glanced back into the opening of the room as a scream filled the walls yet again. Ashleigh was leaning against a nearby wall, slowly allowing herself to sit down as she watched the scene with glassy eyes. Dean locked eyes with her momentarily before he turned towards Cas. "How are you doing?"

"You want to talk about me, now?"

"I want to talk about anything thats not a demon sticking needles into my brother's brain." His voice was starting to crack, struggling to hold back tears as he stepped away. He shook his head quietly. "Yeah, humor me man. How you doing?" "Uh... I'm okay" Castiel spoke quietly as he stared at his friend worriedly.


"Levorne, Shirley. Get in here!" Crowley called out, gaining the attention of the two men as they hurried back in. "Pinhead's out cold, but watch this." He reached his hand up, twisting one of the rods in Sam's skull "Sir novo iad Gadreel. Sir novo iad Gadreel." Crowley reached back up and twisted the rod again, stopping the chanting.

"Whats he saying?" Dean asked

"His name. Gadreel." Cas stated as Ashleigh stepped up to the group, looking up at Castiel's expression. "Does that mean something to you?"

"Well, it's why I've never seen him. He's been imprisoned since the dawn of time. Gadreel was the sentry who allowed Lucifer into the garden."

"My, my. A celebrity" Crowley said with a smirk. Ashleigh looked down at Sam's bleeding form before shaking her head and looking up as Dean spoke "Wait, the garden. Like Eden? Adam and Eve? Fig-leaves garden?"

"Its his fault. All of it. The corruption of man, demons, hell. God left because of him. The archangels...the apocalypse." Castiel's words were full of hatred and rage. "If he hadnt been so weak, none of it would have happened." He stepped over to Gadreel, grabbing onto him angrily "You ruined the universe, you damn son of a bitch!" Ashleigh had never seen him like this, her and Dean yanked him back, trying to calm him down. "Hey! Cas! I get it but you need to chill"


"Alright plan 'B'. Cas you need to possess him and get Sam out!" Dean yelled with desperation laced in his voice. "It might work but I can't possess a vessel without their permission." The sound of someone clearing their throat made everyone turn towards Crowley as he raised his hand like it was obvious. Dean clenched his jaw "No. Not happening."

"Demons can take what they want." He turned, glancing at Gadreel before turning back towards Dean "I can wake Sam up. Just call me plan 'C'"

"You can't-" Castiel spoke out before being interrupted by Dean "You got a better idea?" Ashleigh looked at Dean in shock "I get he's your brother Dean, hell I want Sam back too. But a demon for God's sake?" She stared up at him as he debated his options before turning towards Crowley "What about the angel?"

"I'll work fast."

"And if he finds you?"

"I'll run." Crowley said quite -as-a-matter-of-factly- "I'm not dying for you lot. Of course, if I do this, you're gonna have to.."

"Take off the leash. Yeah, I know" Dean growled.

"And it stays off." Crowley glared at the hunter before his eyes landed on the woman "that goes for you too, love." Ashleugh narrowed her eyes as she crossed her arms. "I still don't like it..." Crowley shook his head "I save Sam, I leave here a free man. Do we have a deal?" Dean was hesitant to answer before he looked to his angel friend "Cas, burn off Sam's tattoo."

"Dean." Castiel pleaded. "Do it.." Dean spoke without looking up from the ground, Ashleigh's eyes looked between the men before she looked up at Castiel, nodding her head. The angel hesitantly walked over to Sam, peeling his shirt back from his chest before he placed his hand against his skin. A bright light flashed as the tattoo was burned from his skin. "If you mess with Sam.. If you try ANYTHING"

Crowley interupted him "calm down, in not one for sloppy seconds."

"Well, when you find Sam, say Poughkeepsie. Its our code word for drop everything and run."

"Alright." The demon sat down, Dean taking off his chains as he stared at Gadreel while he spoke "I will destroy you" the angel growled but Crowley only smirked "Eat me." A large cloud of red tinted smoke forced its way out of Crowley's mouth and straight into Sam's. The two bodies slumped forward, completely limp.


A/N: I'm going to go ahead and post the rest of Road Trip. My writing in the first couple chapters are pretty rough to say the least. I'm sorry! I'm working on getting better.

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