Top Surgery

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"S-Sarah?" Brendon weakly said.

"I'm here, baby, don't worry."

"It h-hurts.." Sarah rubbed his cheek. An hour ago Brendon came out of surgery. He no longer, has breasts. Brendon is happy, but is in too much pain to even realize. "I can barley breathe.."

"That's because the bandages and the binder.."

"B-Binder?" Brendon said, fearing the worst.

"Its to keep everything in order."

"How long do I have to wear it?"

"Six weeks." Brendon began to cry. This surgery was to get him out of binders, yet now he's stuck in one for weeks. "I know, Bren. But its to make your chest super flat!" She said as she started to rub his forehead.

"It really h-hurts.."

"I know, but it will go away sooner or later. Just relax." Brendon found himself falling asleep, the in and out of consciousness happened for a day or so.


"Sarah?" Brendon yelled from the kitchen. She walked in to see Brendon trying to reach for a glass. Sarah grabbed it for him and placed it onto the counter. "Thanks!" She giggled at how sweet he's been, even though right now he doesn't have much mobility of his arms. He looks like a t-rex the way his arms fold in. Its hilarious.


Brendon and Sarah sat in the doctors office, waiting for her to come in and take the binder off of him. She walked in with a smile, introduced herself, and then helped Brendon take his shirt off.

When the binder came off, he immediately looked down at his chest and started to cry. Not sad or angry tears, they were tears of joy. He didn't care that he now had scars, he would rather scars then breasts. Sarah even got a little choked up seeing Brendon so happy.

Once Brendon got his shirt back on, he looked in the mirror and turned sideways. Or once, his chest is actually flat. And he isn't wearing a binder that if me makes one wrong move he might break a rib.

"You look so good, Bren!" Sarah laughed.

"I do! I cook look goddamn good! For once in my life I think I look good!" Brendon runs to Sarah and hugs her. He started to cry again, being so happy. "I love you.."

"I love you too, Bren."

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