6 .:Hungry Eyes:. 6

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

The school week went by without any problems.

Nanuk was appropriately professional at work, but when we were alone, I noticed his eyes were very gentle toward me and he seemed more relaxed. Being around him really warmed my heart and I could feel myself developing feelings for him, which was new and exciting.

I sent a letter to my parents on Wednesday, and used a newly registered P.O. box as the return address. My talk with my cousin had been on my mind for some time, so I confided in Kate and even asked Nanuk for advice, and they both agreed that I should let my parents know I'm okay.

My biggest fear was that they'd be disappointed in me, but I tried not to think too hard on it.

Everything else was great and I wouldn't change a thing, but I was noticing some odd things at home.

It started after the day Nanuk came over, I noticed my front door was always unlocked and the back door would be slid open a little, in the mornings.

Nothing was stolen, and I never heard anyone come inside, so I knew it couldn't be a person. Perhaps something was wrong with the locks, so I was thinking of getting new ones and replacing them over the weekend. It would certainly give me another reason to have Nanuk over again.

It was a Friday evening and I was still at the school grading tests. I made the poor choice of giving a test in every class today, so I had of lot of papers to grade.

Cleit told me it keeps the kids from being able to cheat or share answers, but I had no idea how he managed to finish grading before the school day was over.

Two hours had passed since the students left, so I knew everyone had to be gone.

The empty school was actually a little nice and I enjoyed the solitude after such a busy day, but it was getting to be quite late.

I had about ten more tests to grade, but I was tired of looking at papers. Despite not wanting to have weekend work, I was too mentally and physically tired to finish.

Separating the ungraded papers from the graded papers, I put them in a fabric folder and slid it into my purse. I then gathered my belongings, turned off the lights and left the classroom, locking the door behind me.

The hallway wasn't as lit as it usually was, due to the school being closed, so it was a little erie, but I ignored it and continued to make my way to exit the school.

It was about a six-minute walk, since I was sectioned near the rear of the school. As I walked, my shoes made a loud clicking noise and I found it to be slightly annoying, since it was the only thing I could hear.

My annoyance suddenly stopped when I started hearing another set of footsteps behind me.

I could have sworn I was the only one here. A few teachers stopped by to say good night, but once it was silent, I knew everyone had to be gone.

The Alpha's Graspحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن