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[Judy POV]
Didn't check

We drove towards a football field near a playground. We all sat down on the grass, tying our football shoes. Once I was done, I walked over to the ball and did a few tricks with them. Tyler, Chase and I were on one team and Dylan, Carson and Nathan were on the other. The game started and I kicked the ball and passed it to Tyler. He ran towards the goal with Nathan near his heels. He then passed it back to me and I kicked it with all my might into the goal. I high-five Chase and Tyler while the others scowled at me.

"I'll be honest. I never thought a girl, like you, could play," Carson and Chase said with a smirk.

"And why not?" I fire back.

"Well, I thought you were a girly type of girl that would stay at home or you know?" Chase said.

"I guess I'm different," I say with a smile.

"When we get back to school, would you guys like to sit with us during lunch?" Carson asked with a slight blush.

"Speaking of lunch," I turned to Nathan. "You have to buy me my lunch on Monday," I say with a smirk.

Nathan sighs while to others look at us with a 'what-are-they-talking-about' face except for Dylan, who just stood there with a scowl, forming on his facial expression.

"Why do you have to by Judy her lunch?" Tyler asked Nathan.

"We were playing football and I challenged both of them," Nathan pointed at Dylan and I. "If they could steal the ball, I would buy the person lunch and Judy won. So... yeah," he finished.

Everyone cracked up in laughter but stopped when Carson's phone rang. He told us that dinner was ready so we all headed back to the house. I ate steak with mash potato and some broccoli with BBQ sauce. I drank some wine to finish it off. After dinner, Nathan and Dylan had to go home, so we all said our goodbyes to them and they left. I walked up to my room and sat down on my bean bag that was in the corner of the room. I picked up the 'Romeo and Juliet' book that was on the shelf and started reading it.

Let us take the law of our sides; let them begin.

I will frown as I pass by; and let them take it as they list.

Nay, as they dare. I will bite my thumb at them; which is disgrace to them if they bear it.

[Enter Abraham and Balthasar.]

Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?

I do bite my thumb, sir.

Do you bite your thumb at us, sir?

Is the law of our side if I say ay?


I stopped reading as I heard someone knocking on my door. I opened it to see Caleb standing there with a tear stained face with more tears streaming down.

"What's wrong?" I asked, kneeling down so I was on his level.

"I had a nightmare," he said.

"What happens in the nightmare?" I ask.

"Y-You die. A Carson monster shouts at you and he grabs your head and slams it on a wall," he says while hiccuping.

"Oh. Would you like to sleep here then?" I asked.

He nodded and ran to my bed. I chuckle as his eyes got droopy. Once I know he's asleep, I walk into the bathroom and shower. I change into comfortable pyjamas and walk back out into my room. I carry Caleb to the other side of the bed, not forgetting to put a pillow at the end so he doesn't fall off. I put him under the covers and I get under them too. As soon as my head hits the pillow, I fall into a deep slumber.
"Stop! Please! No!" I shout as Carson fumes.

"You will never be forgiven!" He grabs a hold of my hair and swings my head into the wall.

I fall down, blood trickling out of my nose, head and lips. I see Chase at the far corner of the room, holding his dinosaur pillow closely to his chest.

"C-Chase. S-Stay s-safe," I mange to choke out and with that Carson grabs my hair again and punches my face so hard I could hear a crack. Ouch.

He carries me and throws me towards the door head first "AHHH!!!" and with that, everything goers black.
I shoot up from my bed and look around. All the boys were here. Caleb was crying in the corner while Chase was trying to make him stop, Carson was looking right at me with Tyler by his side. I get off the bed and hug Tyler with all my might. I then look up at Carson. Tyler lightly pushes me back to my bed and everyone else sits around me. Caleb was on Chase's lap.

"I was having a nightmare," I tell them.

"It was the nightmare Caleb had. Carson was beating me up in front of Caleb and I die," I look at Caleb and he has wide eyes staring at me.

I then turn to Carson and he just stares at me like I had grown three heads.

"Whoah..." was all Tyler and Chase could say.

I hadn't noticed James was here until he asked, "are you okay?"

"Yes. I'm fine," I lie but smile.

They all nod and leave my room except for Tyler.

"You alright?" He asks with a concerned tone.

"Yeah," I say with a smile.

He nods his head then leaves my room. My eyes get droopy again and I lay back down after turning the bedside lamp off. I looked at the picture of my mom and us smiling at the camera when we were younger.

"Good night mom. Sweet dream," I say and with that I fall back into my deep slumber.

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