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Back to School
[Judy POV]

I walked through the hospital doors and waited in the waiting room with James by my side.

It's been one week since Tyler has fallen and he has been in a coma. The doctor, Angeline, told us that he must have tripped and fallen. She says nothing serious happened to Tyler but we still have to keep an eye on him incase they are wrong.

James and I have been visiting him everyday. Mom on the other hand stayed with Tyler 24/7. She would usually only come home to either eat, shower or pop in to make sure James and I were okay.

I then saw a nurse walk out of Tyler's hospital room. I recognized her immediately, Ariana, the nurse who I met when I came a week ago.

When I first came to visit, I was bawling my eyes out. She was the one who comforted me and made me feel better. Ever since then, when I came to visit, we would talk for a while about Tyler or girly stuff.

"Hey, Judy!" Ariana came up to us and hugged me, gently.

"Hey Ari! How's Tyler?" I asked, eagerly.

"Angeline say that he would be waking up any thing soon," she said with a happy smile.

I leaped up and down, cheering. I didn't care how many stares I got, I just wanted Tyler to be okay and for him to come home.

James just stared at me with shock clear in his eyes. I chuckle at his petrified face as he has never seen me shout in public or even act like a child.

After Ariana and I talked for awhile, we were able to visit him. I pushed the door open and James slid in. I followed shortly after him and sat beside Tyler's hospital bed, while James sat on my lap.

"Hey Tyler. I hope you can hear me. Please wake up soon, I need you right now, we all need you," I whisper in Tyler's ear but James could hear me.

"Ya Tyler! You need to wake up!" James shouted, tears pricked his eyes and rolled down his soft cheek.

As if like magic, Tyler shot up from the bed and looked around.

"T-Tyler?" I asked, stuttering.

"Judy! James!" Tyler hugged us.

Ariana quickly flew into the room and Angeline came in after her with a clipboard in her hand.

"Okay Tyler, we need you to lie down, we also called your mom to come so she should be here any minute now," she says in a stern voice.

He did as he was told and squeaked. He must be feeling pain because I saw the her give him a pain killer. He gulped it down with some water and rested his head back on the pillow.

"You can go home tomorrow if everything works out," she finally says, with a happy sigh, and with that they both walked out.

No one talked for a while and just stared at the door that Angeline and Ariana had left with.

"How are you feeling?" I finally break the silence.

"Good, what happened anyways?" He asked, with a raised eyebrow.

"You fell, I think, and there was a puddle of blood around your head," I told him, clearly remembering what I saw.

"She also didn't go to school for the whole time since you were out," another voice came from the door.

Mom walked over to the bed and kissed Tyler's forehead. It felt good to finally be all together again.


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