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[Judy POV]
haven't re-checked

I picked James up 3 hours ago and told him to pack all his clothes and a few toys. We all packed, took a shower and are now waiting at the front door with our mom. This whole afternoon to evening, she has been bawling her eyes out and telling herself that she isn't a good mother. I keep trying to tell her she's wrong but she would yell at me to leave her alone. It breaks me apart knowing that I can't even help my mom out. I re-checked that I got everything: clothes, toiletries, pictures, books, bags, makeup and other valuable stuff. Tyler does the same but to James as well. We see a sleek limo pull up outside our house. A women, with brown curls and in a black sequins dress, walks up to us and gives mom a hug.

"Hey E-Emily," my mom says through sobs.

"Oh Taylor. I'm so sorry this has to happen," Emily tells her while rubbing her back.

Mom just nods her head and kisses all of us on the cheek.

"Kids this is Emily. Emily this is Tyler, Judy and James. She is was my college best friend," she tells Tyler, James and I.

We give her one last smile and we silently follow Emily to the limo. Tyler opens the door for us all and we step inside. The inside is lit up with blue and purple led lights that lights up the whole limo. There are drinks at the side of the seats and other snacks. We each take a seat and strap ourselves in. The driver zooms off into the night while we all enjoy a drink. James eyes started to become droopy as he tries to stay awake. Soon, his head in laying down on my lap and his legs were on Tyler's lap. Emily cooed at how cute and peaceful James looked. We all talk quietly for a while until we reach the front gates. A mansion towered above us and a 'W' sitting in the middle on the building. It looked way to fancy for me. The driver pulled up into the driveway after typing the password into a devise that opens the gate when you type it in correctly. As soon as the limo parked the car, we all spilled out and was greeted by 4 drop gorgeous boys.

"Hi I'm Carson and I'm 19 years old," a boy with dirty blonde hair and ocean blue eyes introduced himself.

"Hi I'm Chase and I'm 17 years old," a boy with pure blonde hair and forest green eyes introduced himself after Carson.

"I'm Cameron, Chase's twin. I'm younger by 2 minutes," another boy that looks exactly like Chase said.

"And who are you?" I asked a little boy, who was hiding behind Carson's legs.

"I'm Caleb! I'm five!" He holds up five fingers.

"And you guys are?" Carson asks with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm Tyler"

"I'm Judy and this is James," I looked down at James who is sleeping peacefully in my arms.

"Oh so you're the Judy who Nathan has been talking about," Chase says while nodding his head in realization.

I blush furiously while Tyler looks at me with shock. That's when we all remembered we were outside. The boys helped us with the luggages and showed us to our rooms. My room was in the middle of Tyler's and James's room. Opposite mine are the twin's room and diagonally to the right is Carsons and to the left is Caleb's room. I placed James on the his bed and went to my room. The huge room was a pastel purple color with a king sized bed in the middle with two nightstands on each side with an identical lamp standing on each of them. Opposite my bed was a white makeup dresser and to the right side of the room was a bathroom, connected to a walk-in-closet. I started to unpack my clothes from one luggage and hung them in the walk-in-closet. I put all of my toiletries either in the drawers or on the counter top. I walked back out and took all my makeup and placed them neatly in a drawer. I took out photos of my family and placed it on a desk that was below a window. Once I was done un-packing, I walked out to the balcony and watch the sun setting. A few minutes later Tyler also went out to watch it.

"Hey bro," I waved at him.

"Hey sis," he waved back.

"What do you think mom is doing?" I ask him through gritted teeth.

He sighs and got up from the stool he was sitting on, "honesty, I have no idea," he walks back into his room and closes the curtains.

It sit there for a few more minutes before heading back into the room. I locked the door and closed my curtains. I decided I would change into my pajamas. I walked into my walk-in-closet and took out a black sweatshirt and a black sweatpants. I walked to the black bag I found at the field and open it. There was a blue diary, pencil case and water bottle. Pulling out the blue diary, there was no name written. I open it to the first page and read it.

Dear Diary,

I am not going to put my name because if anyone reads this, they'll know my name. This is also not my handwriting and they shouldn't be able to recognize it. I have to go now! Goodbye.

I turned to the second page.

Dear Diary,

Today I went to a high school party and got a little tipsy. I really like this girl named Jessica but I don't know how to tell her. When I went, she was crazy drunk so I might have took advantage of her and did the 'thing' with her. Goodnight diary.

Wow. This must be a boy.

Dear Diary,

I was beaten by my mother and father. I don't know what to do. They're coming now. Bye! :(


Dear Diary,

I'm sorry I haven't written in you in a year, I have changed my mind, I like this girl named Judy. We have never met in any parties before but we've met in school. She's really good in football and has a Tyler boy with her. Goodbye for now.

Well what a surprise!

"Judy! Come down for dinner," Carter shouts, outside the door.

"Coming!" I shout back.

I close the diary, put in back inside the bag and hid it inside a drawer. I went downstairs and had an awfully-quiet dinner. The food tasted delicious. After dinner, there was the sound of a doorbell echoing around the house.

"I'll get it!" Chase shouts.

I go with him and he opens the door to find the one and only Nathan standing outside with Dylan.

Well let's play football

Sorry if there are mistakes!
I haven't re-checked it like I said in the beginning.
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