Chapter 1

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I was sitting in my room with my guitar writing a song until I see a Video Chat request from the SOCCENT Military Base

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I was sitting in my room with my guitar writing a song until I see a Video Chat request from the SOCCENT Military Base. I accepted the invitation to view Will with sweat, dirt, and sand on his face.

"Ah, there is the birthday girl. Happy birthday Bri." I smiled at him and wave, "Thanks, so how the boys." I said putting the guitar away.

"They are good, what about you?"

"You know the usual writing songs and helping my mom and dad with garden same old, same old."

he chuckled and shook his head, "Is there anything new?" I nodded, "Yeah my dad is getting me a car for my birthday and knowing how cheap he is it will probably be old." I shrugged ran my hands throw my hair.

"You do not care if its old?"

"No, as long as its working perfectly then I am good." I shook my head and smiled until the picture started to blink in and out, "Will?"

I slapped the computer a couple of times, " Bri?" I see his face a couple of time to see he is confused too. "Hey, Bri if you can hear me I miss you, and I'll be home soon I lo."

"Will." I choked out when the screen went black," "Please be safe." I whispered holding the necklace he gave me on my 12th birthday around my neck.


Briana was sleeping until she felt someone jumped on her bed. she peak to see Will is the one that jumped on her bed." Will, what do you want I am trying to sleep."

"Bri, wake up it is your birthday," he said jumped off her bed, "and I have a present for you. " She sat up and rub her eye, " it's too early to open my present."

"I know, but I want to be the first person who presents to be open."

He hands me the present I rip the wrappers and open the case to see a rose necklace; I gasp amazed to see how beautiful the jewelry is,"do you like it?"

"Like, I love it, it's beautiful."

"Let me help you with this." he grabbed the necklace as I turned around he put the chain on my neck I looked behind me and smiled at Will, "This is the best early present ever thank you Will."

Flashback end

"Briana, time to go!" I heard my dad shout from downstairs interrupting my flashback, "coming!" I grabbed my shoes put them on and ran downstairs.

"Ready." we walked out the door to his car, we drive into the Porsche dealership, "Dad, I know you will not buy me a Porsche."

"Okay, okay you got me." he chuckled, I smiled at him and shook my head. Me, mom and dad have a special bond they are very protective of me, but not with Will they know that he will not do anything to hurt me who is also protective of me too.

We drove to a used car dealership called 'Bobby B's' as we got out we see a man walking towards us.

"Sir and lady," he said shaking dad's hand, " Bobby Bolivia, like the country except without the runs. How can I help you?"

"Well, my daughter here, looking to buy her first car," dad explained. "You come to see me?" he asked with his hand on his chest. "Yeah." I smiled, "that practically makes us family," he said holding his hand out to me, "Uncle Bobby B, baby, uncle Bobby B." I shook his hand, "Briana."

"Briana, let me talk to you," he said patting my shoulder as he led dad and me to the cars in the back. "Briana, your first enchilada of freedom awaits underneath one of those hoods. Let me tell you something sweetheart." we stopped, and I turned to him, "A driver don't pick the car. The car'll pick the driver. It's a mystical bond between a human and machine."

I look at him and nodded, "I'm a lot of things, but a liar's not one of them," he told me. "Especially not in front of my mammy." he turned and pointed to the side beside the dealership. "That's my mammy." we looked over to see two women sitting on the chair under the two sunshades. "Hey, Mammy!"

One of the women looked over and flipped a middle finger. "Don't be like that. If I had a rock, I'd bust your head, bitch." Bobby said as he turned back to us I laugh covering my mouth, "I tell you, she deaf. you know?" he laughed putting his hand on my shoulder, pulling me back to the cars, "Well, over here, every piece of car a man or a woman might want or need."

We stopped at an old 77' yellow paint with two racing stripes down the middle Camaro. The color it custom and faded. "This isn't bad." I muttered, placing my palm on the hood, "This one got racing striped."

"Yeah," Bobby confirmed. "It got racing... yeah, what is this? What the heck is this?" I don't know anything about this car. Manny?"

I look at dad as he looks at me we both shrugged our shoulders not knowing what's going on, "What?" Manny called. What is this? This car. Check it out!" Bobby ordered as I climbed into the driver seat as dad close the door for me. "I don't know, boss I've never seen it that's loco!" he said.

"Don't go Ricky Ricardo on me, Manny, find out!" Bobby said. "It feels good," I noted before looking at the center of the wheel. I wiped the pad off with my thumb to reveal a picture of a robot face, "How much?" asked dad.

Bobby stood on the passenger side, "Well, considering the semi-classic nature of the vehicle, with the slick and the custom paint job."

"Yeah, but the paint's faded," I cut him off, he looked at me throw the window, "Yeah, but It's custom," he called.

"It's custom faded?" I asked in a 'seriously' tone, "Well, this your first car. I know you would understand," he told me before looking at my dad, "Five grand."

"No, I'm not paying over five grand. Sorry," dad said as I cursed under my breath. Bobby looked back at me, "Kid, come on, get out. Get out the car."

"Wait a second; you said cars pick their drivers," I stated. "Well, sometimes they pick a driver with a cheap-ass father. out the car," He said turning to the car beside it. "Now, this one here for four Gs is a beauty." He opened the driver door, and I climbed out of the Camaro.

"There's a fiesta with racing stripes over there," he told me. "Dad, I don't want a fiesta with racing stripes," I grumbled as Bobby climbed in the driver seat of the car, " Okay if you didn't get the feeling when you were in the Camaro then I consider to put in five grand." I looked at him and smiled, "Really?" he nodded before turning back to Bobby, "This is a classic engine right here. I sold a car the other day--" as I closed the door the passenger door open the same time the door on the driver side closed hitting the car that Bobby was in, "Gee. Holy cow," Dad said.

Bobby moved to the driver side to the passenger's and climbed out the window, "No, no, no. No worries."

"You alright?" Dad asked. "I'll get a sledgehammer and knock this right out," Bobby assured us. "Hey, hey, Manny! Get your clown cousin and get some hammers and come bang this stuff out, baby!"

"Greater than man..." I look at the Camaro in confusion when the radio was turned on; I look back at Bobby when he pointed to one of the cars and walk towards it, "That one's my favorite, drove all the way from Alabammy."

Suddenly every single window of all the cars. Except for the Camaro, burst into millions of pieces making us duck and dad covering me from the glass. Bobby stood up slowly and looked around at all the cars in horror before turned to us holding four fingers, "$4,000."

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