Chapter 5

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I sat in the passenger seat, and the robot was in the middle, watching the Camaro driving itself

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I sat in the passenger seat, and the robot was in the middle, watching the Camaro driving itself. "Not bad," I muttered. "Okay, I have a question."

"I'm listening." The Camaro said through the radio, "So, you can change to any cars, right?"

"Yeah." I started to grin when a light bulb pop in my head had a perfect idea, "Can I see you change to another car?"

"Yeah, better hold on tight." I felt the seatbelt tight a little bit before we telt to the side, I look to see the robot trying to hold on I'd grabbed it and pull it towards me holding it by my side as it held me tightly we look up to see the roof change and the seat.

My jaw dropped seeing everything change, "Cool." the Camaro went back down and drove, the Camaro drove into a fence force it open and continued driving into an empty are until we see a significant white house the Camaro stop in front of it.

I got out and walked in front of the car with the little robot beside me, looking up at the sky to watch four meteors fly across the sky above our head.

"Optimus Prime." The robot said as the meteors fly in different directions. "Time to go." I heard the Camaro said.

"Come on," I said placing my hand on its shoulder pushing it in the car as I sit in the driver seat and the robot on the passenger side before drove itself again. The Camaro turned into the alleyway and stopped in the middle; we got out of the car to see a big semi Peter-built truck driving towards us, the heard more engines look behind to see three more cars heading towards us.

A Pontiac solstice, GMC top-kick, and H2 search and rescue hummer; the truck was the first one to transformed then the other cars transformed, the robot that was the truck kneel in front of me, "Are you Briana Sophia Witwicky descendants of Archibald Witwicky?" He asked.

I swallowed, "Yeah," I said. "My name is Optimus Prime," He introduced himself, " We are Autonomous Robotic Organisms from planet Cybertron."

"But you can call us Autobots for short." the hummer said. "Autobots," I repeated nodding agreeing to the nickname. "What's cracking little bitch?" The robot to my right said. "This looks like a cool place to kick it." Jazz said, spinning around before jumping onto an old car with one leg hanging lazily.

"Internet?" I asked Optimus nodded before the black one covered in weapons shift his position making me turned to him. "My weapon specialist Ironhide." he pushed out two large cannons, spanning around and attached to his arm pointing at me, "You feeling lucky, punk?" making the little guy stand in front of me.

"Easy, Ironhide," Optimus said. "Just kidding, I just wanted to show her my cannons," Ironhide said. "That's alright the cannons are cool." he grins then look at Optimus, "I like her."

I turned back to Optimus as he pointed at the hummer, "Our medical officer, Ratchet."

"How you doing?" Ratchet asked I smiled before turning back to Optimus. "You already know your guardian, Bumblebee," Optimus said looking over to see my Camaro who is doing uppercuts in the air while walking backward rotating his neck, "Bumblebee, huh?" I asked with a smirk.

"Check on the rep yep, second to none." He stopped and looked down at me, "So you're my guardian, huh?" I asked he nodded. "His vocal processors were damaged in battle," Ratchet said laser bumblebee's throat that makes him cough. "I'm still working on them." I look at Optimus again, "But why are you here?" I asked.

"We are here looking for the All Spark. And we must find it before Megatron." He informed. "Who's that?" I asked, "Our planet was once a powerful empire peaceful and just, until we were betrayed by Megatron, leader of the Decepticons, " He explained, "All who defined them were destroyed. Our war finally consumed the planet, and the All Spark was lost to the stars, Megatron follow it to earth, where Captain Witwicky found him."

"My grandfather," I said in belief, "It was an accident that intertwined our fates," He said. "Megatron crash-landed before he could retrieve the Cube. He accidentally activated his navigation system. The coordinates to the Cube's location on Earth were imprinted on his glasses."

"Wait, how did you know about his glasses?" I asked. "We scanned the location of the glasses to find it with you." He informed.

"If the Deceptions find the All Spark, they will use its power to transform Earth's machines and build a new army." Ratchet said, "And the human race will be extinguished. Briana Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival."

I gasped, "It's a good thing that the glasses is still with me."

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