Two| Velis

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Snake's appearance

| 2. |

"Where are we going?" Ricky spoke softly feeling the eyes of the crowd staring right at him.

Ghost and Ezequiel said not a word and only exchanged glances with one another. They both sped through the streets as quickly as they could.

"Velis" Ezequiel whispered underneath his breath. His crow cawed twice from high in the sky where it flew.

"Down the alley" Ezequiel hissed

"Now" Ezequiel took a sharp

Chris's leg still felt like jelly crumbling beneath him. The feeling he had in his stomach brewed since the morning. Something wasn't right and something told him the brute named Snake was not the end of their day.

Though he hoped it was. It only took one of those cocksuckers for him to waste their last bullets.

"Ezequiel" Ghost screeched halting to a stop. Ezequiel crow cawed three more times as it stood ontop of a building light.

"Fucking bird" He flipped the crow off frustrated.

"Someone's behind us" Ricky shoved Ghost into a corner of the building where they could not be seen. He covered her mouth, holding his own groan from pain.

"Sorry" Ricky softly said.

Ezequiel turned back and watched the two women get closer.

He chuckled and cursed the damn bird in his own head. He'll have him for dinner for this.

"I believe" A woman's voice softly spoke from behind them.

"You have my bird" She spoke standing infront of the two girls.

Chris couldn't see her face because of the large black hat she had.Though He could see her blonde hair cascading down as he could also see the sharp nails that adorned her gloves.

"We both know Velis should not be in your care" Ezequiel spoke

"Yet the bird is loyal to me" The woman's ruby red lips whistled for the bird.

The crow flew down from where he stood to go to the woman's hand as she beckoned it.

"How long have I missed you" She cooed and stroke its raven feathers.

"Velis" Ezequiel's eye turned bronze with jealousy.

"A bird, is not worth our lives" Chris glared

Ezequiel scoffed and shot him a look of death and war.

"You should listen to your wounded friend" The woman chuckled

"Goodbye Ezequiel, Say Hello to Vinny for me" The woman turned away with crow in hand.

The girls followed behind strapped for war and wearing bright pink ski masks. They couldn't have tried something even if they wanted to.

"See you soon Maria" Ezequiel's fist were ghostly white as he gripped them together. He watched them take off.

"I could've handled that situation" Ezequiel seethed at Chris. Who held himself against the railings of the building.

The Verge Of Death| MIW Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat