Three| Haven

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Ghost's appearance

| 3. |

Ezequiel groans as the force of the portal closing almost blows him away.

"You should really be careful" Ghost spoke

"Your finger can shatter if it gets caught on the other side" She sounded like Ezequiel's mother.

Ezequiel laughed dusting his pants.

"I hope my finger would've made a lovely ring then" Ezequiel added

Ghost grumbled not bothering to answer his dumb ass.

Ezequiel hollered in laughter.

The group heard the sound of grabble being crushed under the sole of a shoe.

"You should really take your friend's worries serious, Ezequiel" A man unknown to Chris and Ricky appeared with two asian women by his sides.

The woman scanned through the area whispering to eachother.

They both wore numbers across their arm. They ran straight down their skin like a price tag. They wore the branding like cattle. Picked, slaughtered and crystalized into the finest gemstones.

Ricky tucked his long sleeve shirt into his hand covering his own numbers. It was the brand of reaper.

"Matt" Ghost sighed and ran up to embrace the man.

Matt grinned hugging his dear friend tightly.

"You look beautiful, Darling" Matt marbled at Ghost's body.

"Daedra and Sehara" Ezequiel mumbled

Matt looked at the two girls who stood behind him with no words.

"Yes" Matt cleared his throat kissing Ghost's forehead.

"I've been doing them a favor before their week ends" Matt frowned as his sentence left his lips.

"I wish you two good luck" Ricky spoke softly.

Daedra's cheeks turned red. She turned to look at her older sister for words to say.

"Thank you" Sehara's sweet voice broke out.

"My sister is very shy" She spoke "Though luck hasn't been in our favor because of" She added.

"We appreciate it" Daedra mumbled.

"You got her to talk" Matt gasped softly and smiled.

"If only you were mortal" He added.

Chris frowned. Just like Daedra and Sehara the sand in his hourglass was winding down. Being only 24, You would never feel so close to death. So old when you're still so young. Ricky had more time than Chris, He was only 22. Three more years awaited him.

"Well I didn't come to make small talk" Matt patted Ghost's hair.

"Why did you then" Ghost spoke

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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