He was coming back over. I raced to the balcony. I opened the curtain a bit and red smoke seeped through. The devil appeared in front of me. He was smirking. He gazed at Eurynomus. "That's enough my son." He didn't move.

I crossed my arms. "What did you do to him?"

He went to touch me but I backed away. "I made him the real demon that he needs to be. Not this pathetic one that makes him weak over a human." He paced around me. "Although, his needs still need to be handled. I hate to have to replace you." My eyes shot to the floor. He was a bastard. His claws grabbed my hair and pulled me over towards Eurynomus. He tossed me into his arms. Eurynomus clutched me tightly. The devil smiled. "She's all yours son." Eurynomus went to kiss me but I shoved him away. He tried again but this time I slapped him. He let me go. I backed away from the both of them. I was in big trouble. A dark shadow appeared next to me. It quickly grabbed me and took me with them. I could hear the devil cry out. Once I saw something other than darkness, I searched around. We were in a cave. It was a decorative one. It almost looked like a house, besides the walls. Sith was sitting in a chair. He just helped me earlier. I shook my head. "How did-"

"I saw it." He slowly stood up. His robes dropped to the floor. "Isabella, I am a time traveler. Past, present and future. I saw what was going on. I pulled you out to stop his evil plan to soil you."

I looked at the ground. "Thank you." I mumbled.

He flipped his hand. "Please, I didn't do it for you. I did it cause the devil and Eurynomus piss me off. Especially when he took you down here just to have sex with you."

He came over towards me. His fingers were boney as ever. He reached to touch my face. I backed up into a vase and broke it. Sith shrugged. "I can replace it." He ran his fingers through my hair. "You however, I can't." I pushed him away. I took a couple good steps away from him. "What do you want from me? Eurynomus will find me."

This only made him laugh. "He can only find you when he's himself. Not under daddy's spell. You see, he gave him that gem to control him. To stop him from changing." He headed over to his chair and grabbed his cup. "You are his future. If he kills you, he will remain in hell forever."

I crossed my arms. It made sense, he needed me. Needed me to change Eurynomus into being a living breathing human. But how? How could I even do that? Sith sipped his cup. "You might as well sit down, he's going to be awhile. It's not easy finding my place."

I was about to speak until he interrupted me. "I know he has a mark on you. He can find you faster." I sat on the couch. I hoped he found me soon. I laid down and relaxed. Sith stood above me. "And don't expect funny business from me. Females are not my type." He headed to the back of his cave. I sighed. Wasn't that a relief. I closed my eyes and hoped he'd come soon.

My dream brought me into a dark place. It was cold and wet. I could see Eurynomus looking for me. But he couldn't find me. He felt lost and upset. He didn't have the gem on anymore. He called out to me a couple times. I didn't know whether or not to answer him. I decided to. I told him I was in Sith's cave. Then he disappeared. Once I opened my eyes, a figure stood in front of me. Their hands grasping my body off the couch. My head hit their chest. I hoped it was Eurynomus. But sadly it was Sith carrying me into a bedroom. He placed me on the bed. I stared at him. "I have business to take care of. You stay in this room. If you come out, you might go permanently blind. As I saw, you listened." He left me in here and shut the door. I looked around. Wasn't a big room. I laid there trying to go back to sleep. A loud thump landed next to me. I turned to look, nothing was there. I tried to sleep again. This time, the thump got closer. Maybe I was making it up. Once the thumping got closer two more times. I sat up and looked. Eurynomus was sitting there. His eyes meeting mine. The gem really was gone. His fingers ran through my hair. "Bella, I'm so sorry." He mumbled. I pushed his hand away. He took a deep breath. "I didn't mean-"

"Mean what exactly? You could have killed me!" I crossed my arms and my back faced him. His hands touched my shoulders. I pushed him away but he kept coming closer. I looked at him. "No. You let your father get inside your head. I could have died and you wouldn't have known until it was too late."

Eurynomus kissed my cheek. I was trying to hold the tears back. I couldn't look at him. It was too painful to even think that he would let himself hurt me. He's never hurt me. "Isabella." He whispered sweetly into my ear. I didn't say anything. He kissed my ear. "Please don't be mad at me. I'd never hurt you." I still wouldn't answer him. He was reading my thoughts. He knew I was mad. His hands wrapped around my waist slowly, pulling me closer to him.

I didn't flinch. His breath hit my ear. "Just...let me make it up to you Bella." He moved my hair and kissed my neck. I was being intoxicated by him. I was trying to fight back and not let him win. I was mad and trying to stand my ground. If he kept going with this, he might win. I couldn't let him win. His hands started moving. One grasped my breast and the other grasped my v. My head tilted back into his shoulder. He was nipping on my neck. "I could make it feel so much better. I promise it'd be worth your while." His words echoed in my ears. In my mind, he was still talking. "You know you want to. You're holding back and fighting me. You will lose Isabel. Give up now and I'll go easy on you." I shook my head silently. He pushed his fingers inside me a little bit through my jeans. I went to get up but he pulled me into his lap. He crossed his legs so I couldn't leave. He made a small noise. He kissed my cheek. His hands slid under my shirt. I had to fight back. My body wanted to just give into him. I had to keep pushing. His hands slid under my bra and massaged my breasts. He smirked at me. "Come play with me Bella." He spoke into my mind. He bit my neck softly. This was pure torture. His hands smoothed down the sides of my body into my pants. I was against his chest breathing heavy. How much more could I take before he drove me crazy? He was rubbing my v. I moaned softly. He bit my ear lobe and started whispering to me. "Bella, be a good girl for me. Take your clothes off and let me take you. I know you want to so badly. You can resist me much longer." He stuck his fingers inside and was going slowly. My breaths were becoming shorter. I could feel him getting hard for me. If I kept silent, he might actually just play with my body until I cave. I couldn't take much more. I turned around and kissed him deeply. His hand held the back of my head.

His fingers still inside me stopped. His eyes met mine. He chuckled. "You put up a good fight. I thought I'd have to get on top of you and close you in from escaping." Just him trapping me close to his body was enough. I couldn't run. He held my lower half down and could overpower me easily. Eurynomus kissed me gently. He pulled his fingers out. He bit my bottom lip. "You tease too much." I ran my fingers down his chest. He grabbed my hands and kissed them. "I have a surprise for you." I didn't like the way he said it. Sith came into the room. I jumped up like we did something wrong. He held out his hand. "I knew he was coming. I told you he'd find you when he was himself." Eurynomus stood up. He handed Sith a scroll of papers. Sith hid it inside his robes. They both nodded at each other in a silent agreement. Eurynomus crossed his arms. "How soon can it be done?"

Sith smelled the air, while his eyes rolled in the back of his head. "Soon. The second week of November, there will be a dark moon. That's when we can."

He nodded. His eyes looked at me. "What day is it there?" He spoke.

I thought about it. Last time it was September. But I've been down here for so long. Time goes by faster up there. Maybe the middle of October? Eurynomus heard my thoughts. He gazed at Sith. "Father's leaving Halloween to terrorize his victims."

Sith held out his hand. A ball formed. He gazed into it. "That's perfect to set anything up. On earth, during the day. At night, he'll be lurking. Best time is to stay down here." He looked over at me. "She needs to be here at night. Otherwise, she's going to be in trouble." Eurynomus nodded. He came over to me. He held his hands out. I grasped them as he lifted me to my feet. His arms held me close to his side. He was off about something. "See you in a few weeks." We headed out of the cave and back to his room.

Under My Demon's CommandTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon