4. [the pinnacle of felix's existence]

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Minho had apparently passed his diarrhea to literally everyone else in Felix's friend circle, but even worse, no one wanted to buy their happiness potion. Felix was getting threatening texts from Changbin and Chan at least twelve times every hour and it was really hard to dab and throw up at the same time.

Felix had nothing left. Everything he loved had been destroyed by that stupid bottled happiness —


Felix dragged himself out of his position of hovering over the toilet to read his latest death threat text. Only Changbin's name (which was xXEmoBoyXx 🤙🏻😍🔥 in Felix's contacts) wasn't what popped up.

1 new Twitter notification!

@.minhyuk_therock_johnson: yo u got any of that bottled happiness left?

The clouds parted. Angels sang. The war going on in Felix's digestive tract ended. He smiled. Park Minhyuk; the light of his life - who was Changbin? He didn't know, he only knew Minhyuk.

@.dablix: if u got 2,500 won i might👀

"You got this Travis," Felix said, "make them wait for it..."

@.minhyuk_therock_johnson: i'll give u the money when u come back to school

@.dablix: ha yeet! i gotchu fam

@.minhyuk_therock_johnson: coolio


He was saved. He immediately called Minho.

"Can I help you?" Was how Minho answered the phone.

Mildly offended, Felix said, "I just wanted to tell you that someone hit me up for some bottled happiness, but okay."

"Really? That's fantastic! I could start singing right now. I mean, life is really beautiful sometimes, you know? You're all much better friends than the floor of the bathroom. Man, I was so blind. Life was just waiting for me to open my eyes, and I did, and I feel so much better all the time, it's incredible – "

"Wait," Felix interrupted, "could it be...?"

He tuned out the rest of Minho's rambling as his breath caught. He could be crazy, it could be the vomit threatening the back of his throat, or his bottled happiness could be...working.

"Minho! It worked! The happiness potion!"

"I know!"

They squealed like preteen girls and Felix thought he was going to pee because he was so thrilled. This was the pinnacle of his existence, the peak moment of his entire life.

The next day Felix felt better. Not just better, in fact; he felt lighter than air. Sad and Angsty were no longer even in his vocabulary, and he went to school with the literal sun in his hands. 

Well, okay, maybe he and Minho held hands for like a whole second before Jisung began Operation Smite Lee Felix. He got as far as the warm up stage (which was sending a murderous glare) before Felix got the message and let go of Minho, fearing for his safety briefly. But Jisung's disgusting-ness wasn't even going to bring his mood down. After all, he had an appointment. 

happiness! » stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now