2. [felix tries to dab away woojin's impending wrath]

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"You did what."

"Chan, please -"

"Tell me Jeongin doesn't look guilty right now."

"Jeongin looks perfectly fine! His face isn't red and he isn't crying or anything! Not at all, haha."

"So, basically, you think you're suddenly Gordon Ramsay and you and Jeongin could get expelled?" Chan clarified. He had a please-tell-me-this-is-a-joke tone, and Felix's pale face (though he couldn't quite hide how irrationally proud of himself he was) assured him that it was not, in fact, a joke.

"He asked me if I stored my salt in my braces," Jeongin chimed in.

"He did not," Chan said, looking affronted. His eyes, which usually held stress, held a terrifying amount of rage.

"Yes, he did, and he would appreciate it if you stopped talking about him like he wasn't here," Felix said.

Changbin was watching silently from the other side of the lunch table, chowing down with abandon on the unidentifiable school food. A tiny smile danced on the corners of his lips, but otherwise his expression was blank. Clearly, he was thriving. Changbin loved it when Felix got dragged.

"What are you smiling for, you Easter Island head?" Felix snapped.

Changbin froze with a large bite of food still in his mouth and fixed Felix with an empty stare.

"I take it back!" Felix yelped. Changbin looked satisfied (read: his eyebrows became less ominous) and continued to chew.

Chan had taken this opportunity to put his head upon the table, no doubt "resting his eyes".

"You're the reason I dyed my hair – to make the gray look intentional," Chan muttered without opening his eyes or lifting his head.

"I have wrinkles," Jeongin offered, far too himself – cheerful and wanting to have fun – for Chan to let it slide. He lifted his head off the table and stared at Jeongin.

"Jeongin, my sweet, sweet summer daisy, you look like you were just delivered into this harsh and cruel world. Go back. Go back into the warmth, for you are too pure for such a place."

Jeongin's eyes glazed over and his mouth fell open a tiny bit.

"Deep," Changbin mumbled. He rolled his eyes and Felix laughed. Really loudly.

"Never laugh again, you sound like a donkey," Changbin said.

"Hey God, I have a quick question: why doesn't anyone love me?"

"Because you laugh like a donkey."

"I think it's definitely 'cause you laugh like a donkey."

Seungmin was down. Seungmin was down for anything. He was wild, free, easy, breezy, beautiful -

"Are you sure you aren't going to kill the whole school?" Seungmin asked. Felix had snagged him before lunch so they could stir his toxic crock pot mess.

"One hundred percent," Felix said, nonchalant. He continued to stir, oblivious to Seungmin's stare.

Seungmin shrugged. "Okay," he said, and pulled his obnoxious gigantic pencil from his backpack. What else was it going to get used for? He was only a little surprised that Felix's "happiness" concoction didn't make it dissolve.

"At the end of the week, we'll be living like kings," Felix said.

"Hey, that sounds great," came a voice from the next stall over. Seungmin screamed before realizing it was Minho, who slid his head underneath the metal dividing wall between the stalls. Why he was in the other stall, why they hadn't noticed his presence, and why he was laying on the floor were three different but equally disturbing questions.

happiness! » stray kidsWhere stories live. Discover now