Delivering Jealousy | Seo Changbin

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Delivering Jealousy | Seo Changbin



You groaned as you got bored, just laying in the couch with your boyfriend. " Yahh... What should we do today? I'm sooo bored! " you whined at him.

He chuckled " Well, I kind of just want to cuddle with you right now, " he said.

Suddenly, your stomach grumbled, signing that you were hungry. Your boyfriend heard it and chuckled.

" Do you want to get some pizza or something, Soo Hyun? " he asked.

" Hmm... Sure, " you stood up and have gone to the kitchen.

You dialed the pizza place's number and ordered 2 boxes of pizza and a drink. Once you were done talking with the cashier on the phone, you dropped the telephone and headed back to the couch where your boyfriend, Chang Binnie, who was sitting and scrolling through his phone.

As you sat down in the couch, you rested your head on his shoulder and closed your eyes. Suddenly, he moved forward which caused your head to fall out of his shoulders then your eyes shot open.

" Yahh!! " you hitted his back playfully as he just laughs his head off. You sat up and showed him your pout then he chuckles.

" So cute~ " he said as he pinched your cheeks.

" No~! " you whined while laughing. " I thought you didn't like cute things?~ ".

He laughs before answering your question. " I just love you this much~! " he hugged you.

He's so different from the Chang Bin I knew before I accepted his confession.

You two suddenly got interrupted by the door bell. " Yay! The pizzas are here! " you broke from the hug and rushed to the door.

You opened the door to reveal a pizza delivery guy holding your order in his hands while smiling.

As you were getting the money from your wallet, his smile fades and stared at you. When you looked up, you saw him staring at you as you were holding the money.

Is he starstrucked at me? Well, he looks cute too.

" Uhmm... Here's the payment..? " you awkwardly told him as you handed out to him the money. When he heard those words, he got back into reality.

" O-Oh! Thanks! Here's your order! " he handed out your order and took the money out of your hands while you took your order out of his hands.

You thanked him, as you were about to close the door, he called you. " Yes? Did I gave you not the right amout of money? " you told him kindly.

" Actually you did but... Could I have your phone number? I'm Lee Siwon. "

As you about to say something, you didn't notice that your boyfriend was already behind you.

" Yah Jagi, did you saw my phone? Can you please find it? I'll carry those for you, " Chang Bin took your order and carried it while you nodded and have gone to the living room. He suddenly looked at Siwon.

" I believe that you still have more deliveries to deliver, am I right? So you can go now, "  Chang Bin told Siwon in a cold tone as he was death glaring at him which gave Siwon the shivers down his spine.

Siwon bowed at him and told him 'Have a good day' in a shaky tone then rode his bike off to the streets, not even taking a quick glance back at the house.

Once Chang Bin sees that Siwon was finally out of sight, he closed the door and headed to the kitchen to drop the pizzas and the drink in the table.

" I've found it! " you cheered as you were holding his phone in your hands.

" Thanks, Jagi. Where did you find it? " Chang Bin said as he took the phone from your hands and puts it at his pocket.

" I found it lying under the couch, it was kinda out of my reach so I needed to move the couch to get it, " you said while you were scratching the back of your neck.

While your boyfriend was untiying the ribbon, you spoke. " Also, I heard what you told Siwon a while ago, " he stopped from what he was doing and looked up as he found your looking directly at his.

" I had to protect you from anyone who tries to separate us since you're my girlfriend and you're only mine, " he said with a straight face.

" Ahh... I understand, " you started which calmed him down but suddenly...

" He looks cute though~ " you told him as you turned your back on him. His eyes suddenly widened from what you told him while you were just grinning over there, decided to play this Jealousy Game.

His eyes suddenly softened and continued to prepare the food. " Aish... You can't trick me this time, Kim Soo Hyun, " he said with a proud smirk plastered on his face. You pouted at him.

" Aww... I almost had you! " you whined cutely at him while he just laughs.

" Yeah sure, keep on hoping, Jagi. Maybe one day it will happen, " he laughs once again after he said that.

" But to be honest, " you started while your pout fades and to be replaced by a straight face. " He does look cute, " you said as you gazed at the door where he was just standing a few minutes ago. Your boyfriend knew that you were serious this time.

" Yaah!! " you snap out from fantasy when you heard your boyfriend called you. He then back hugged you. " Am I really not that cute for you? " he did a aegyo for you and you laughed.

" Oh of course you are! You're cute and handsome at the same time that makes me want to squeal, you cute lil' jealous binnie!! " you hugged him as he hugged you back.

" Also, it's kinda funny that you got jealous at a pizza delivery guy, hahaha, " you added as you laughed at his chest.

He kissed your forehead. " Let's watch something scary today, arraseo? ".

Oh no... How you just hated scary movies since you get too scared easily...

It was also Chang Bin's punishment for you. Yes, Chang Bin is an overprotective boyfriend. He is scary everytime he is annoyed or mad, which is something that you would never encounter, again.

That's how much he just loves you. He wants to protect you from harm and never wants to imagine you leaving his side.


This part is such a cheesy one 😂😂 I admit! That sometimes I'm sooo cheesy!! 😂

Also, want to see how the pizza delivery guy, Lee Siwon, looks?

All I know is that this dude on the picture is a member of SF9 ( not completely sure )

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All I know is that this dude on the picture is a member of SF9 ( not completely sure ). Yeah, that's why our little Binnie is jealous because the pizza delivery guy looks hot too. 😂 Happy Reading!!

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