WE SURPRISED HER!!! Dec 3, 2017

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Savannah's POV🌷

  "What's up fellow children! Savannah here!" I whispered cause I was at an animal shelter. "You're probably wondering where the heck are you? Well, children. I'm at the animal shelter getting Iris a pet!" I said. "Oh also, Sam's here," I said.

"Ok, so now you introduce me to the vlog. Wow Savannah, you're my sister's best friend."

"I'm sorry! Anyway, what would she want?"

"I know. A black cat."

"Of course she would."

We started looking at the cats until we found a black and white kitten with really pretty blue eyes.

"Oh my god, hi little fella," Sam said and bent down.

The cat walked over to him immediately. "We'll take him," I said.

"He's a she, Savannah," Sam said.

"Ok then. Let me rephrase that. We'll take her."

The co-worker nodded and went to get the papers. I walked over to the kitten and she walked over to me. I started playing with her as Sam did all the stuff. We got the kitten and took her to the car. "This is Iris's new kitten y'all," I said. I showed the kitten as she yawned. "Oh my god she is so cute!" I said.

"We gotta go get her food, toys, and a bed."

"And introduce her to the dogs and roommates," I said.

"We don't have enough time to do all that. She'll be home by the time we get done shopping," Sam said.

"Unless I introduce her and you go get the stuff."



  We pulled up and I got out with Kitty. No, that's not her permanent name. We're just calling her that for the time being. "You ready to go surprise everyone?" I said. I walked in and Circa came running up to us. Circa sniffed Kitty and licked her. Kitty just let Circa be and ignored her. Navi came over and sniffed her then walked away. "Ok, then. Let's go get Uncle Elton." I walked to the kitchen to see Corey and Devyn.

"Savannah what is that?" Corey said looking at me.

"Look at the kitty," Devyn squealed.

"This Iris's new baby," I said.

Then, Elton, Colby, and Aaron came down the stairs.

"Where's the kitty?" Colby said.

"Right in my arms," I said.

They all started aww-ing and someone asked who's it was.

"It's Iris's. It her present leading up to a bigger present," I said.

"Wait, what other present?" Corey said.

"Iris's boyfriend is coming!" I said.

You heard me right. Iris is taken.

"I thought Iris was single," Colby said joking.

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