Forgetting about her questions, Eun Sang had her full attention on the young child, feeling some sort of strong attachment to the baby.

Taking time observe more of the room, Eun Sang lifts her head to see if there was any light source that made the room so bright, other than the white walls. She barely made out the shapes of glow-in-the-dark stars stuck at the ceiling, around the light that lit up the room.

This room looked familiar.

Eun Sang frowned, trying to think of why it looked familiar, the baby crawled into her lap, holding a block that was yellow and had the star shape on one side. The baby grinned happily, waving the block around at the woman who was now giving her attention to the young one.

"Byul." Her voice came out in a soft whisper unconsciously, her brown orbs widening at what she did.

The eyes of the young one twinkled even more, smiling at the older woman as if to acknowledge the name.

"Byul?" She repeated, louder this time.

The baby clapped its small hands together happily, making sounds of contentment.

"You're my Byul?" She asked, brushing the cheek of the baby lightly, noticing some sort of resemblance. But she wasn't sure.

Her hand goes to her stomach that was supposed to be bulging a little, but it was flat. She should be panicking but her body relaxed, holding onto the child closer to herself.

"Byul," Her voice trembled slightly, hugging the baby, head tucked down.

She tightened her arms even more but realised she was holding nothing.

The baby wasn't in her arms.

The block with a star was between her lap.

The babbling wasn't there.

The smile of the child wasn't given to her.

The baby was gone.

"Byul?" Eun Sang looked around frantically, "Byul!" She started to shout, going to the crib, the shelves, making sure she looked at every corner even if it was obvious that the child couldn't be there without being obviously visible.

"Byul!" She screamed, tears falling down her face.

Soon, her vision faded to black, darkness engulfing her screams.

"She's gaining conscious! Get the doctor!" Someone said in a panic, "Eun Sang? Eun Sang, can you hear me? Can you see me?" She sees a blur shadow go over her eyes a few times, she blinked to clear her vision.

"Youn–," She starts but stop when the dry feeling in her throat made her choke, foreign to that sensation.

Young Do looks at her in concern, quickly fetching a cup of water, "Slowly," He coaxed, tilting the cup by a little so the cool liquid falls into her mouth.

She swallows the water gratefully, she parted her lips to ask questions, where was she but the answer came when a man in white walked in.

"How are you feeling, any pain?" He asked, checking on the IV drip then back to Eun Sang. She shakes her head, attempting to look around but the Doctor asked more questions. "What is your name?"

"Cha Eun Sang," She barely got out her name in a whisper, she could make out two people standing behind him but her vision could only focus on the Doctor in front of her, she was still drowsy.

He smiled in slight relief, "That's right. Miss Cha Eun Sang, do you know where you are?"

She shook her head once more.

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