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A young lad with an injured arm was running towards me and with around twenty men dressed in black chasing after him.

As he approached me, i recognized him as the crown prince, Alfred. He had an injured arm and was stuggling to escape from them.

With the thought that maybe he would be grateful for me to save his life and not kill me afterwards, i step in and with a single, quick move, all the assasins were down with their head detached from the rest of their body.

I apprached him and asked if he was okay and luckily he regain his calm and thanked me for my help.

I of course did not reveal my identity since it might appear strange but i needed to give him a clue of who i was. Healing his hand with light magic, i went away and 'accidentally', i mean purposely dropped my family bracelet with my name on it.

He luckily picked it up and surely guessed my identity but before he knew it, three assasins came out of nowhere and was targeting him.

Grabbing his hand, we ran towards the red moon market where we could hide for a while.

The market was quite fancy and filled with lots of stuff. Sellers and buyers were bargaining the high price of the products while we walked towards the exit of the market.

Finding a corner just before the exit, we hid inside and made a plan.

It was obvious that the assasins were guarding both exits and there was no way out unless they didn't recognized us.

"Listen to me! If we search through the whole market, i bet we can find some clothes or disguise device. You go to the left and i go to the right."

"But how do we know if we found what we are looking for?" He asked uncertain if the plan would work.

"Look!" I pointed at the merchant in front of us who was holding and handing two pieces of communication device.

His eyes brightened and when he looked at me, a spark could be seen but i ignored it and took it for the fact that he considered me a genius.

"But there is definitely a but!" I said, destroying all his hopes of getting out of that situation.

"These assasins might be following you either with a tracking device or your smell... the smell could be eliminated with some perfume but since only woman wears them, you'll have to disguise yourself as one. As for the tracking device, there is 50% chance its on your clothes and 50% its on you... i don't think we could find it like that so either we find a tracking device remover or you'll have to wash yourself in the public bath at the complete end..."

A shocked and disgusted expression appeared on his face as he imagined what he had to do to escape those high class assasins but when he thinks that he will get to know this girl who should be, according to the bracelet, the only daughter of the winchester family, he was eager to dress up as a lady and bath in a public bath!

They soon carried out their task and went in opposite directions and it was very soon that the found what they needed and contacted each other but before they meet up again, Alfred needed to take a bath and jane took that opportunity to look through the books a merchant was selling.

Luckily for her, they were all precious books and were sold at a moderate price.

Not willing to spare any one of them, jane bought all the thirty books lying on the ground and placed them into her space bag.

Soon, Alfred came out, dressed as a sophisticated and tall woman with beautiful golden locks and blue eyes. His skin was fair and while, making him look like a victorian doll and the heels made him walk quite arkwardly as he stuggle to breath inside the corset.

Jane giggled as she saw the stunning lady with a black mask covering her beauty but the elegance he emitted was noble even if the walking wasn't.

She too changed herself with the help of a disguise device and was dressed as a woman with a black braided hair, commoners clothing and pair of brown shoes.

She didn't wear a mask and her dark black eyes were much colder than usual as the black eyes gave the impression that they were a pitch black space and those who have achluophobia, they would think that this was hell.

Using the perfume in her hand, Jane sprayed it on Alfred's neck and him who was not used to a sudden coldness moan out loud, making Jane blush.

She quickly store the perfume in her bag and quickly walked towards the exit with Alfred struggling to follow her with the heels.

They were finally at the exit and with a deep breath, they walked out with all their senses on alert.

Jane was afraid that their plan would not work as unlike those twenty assasins from before, those three who appeared after were professionals of professionals.

If they weren't s classed assasins then they were A classed ones and She would not be able to go against them three at one, not to speak that they didn't know if there was only three of them.

Walking as normal as possible, they reached the lively streets where they let out the breath they've been holding.

Since it was already late, Jane wanted to part ways with Alfred and removed the disguise. They waved each other goodbye but before jane could take a step, he pullef her hand, remove the mask on her face, revealing a stunning beauty that made him blushed.

For Alfred, it was the first time he saw such a talented and stunning woman and not to say she possesed light magic. She was as pretty as a goddess with both elegance and grace and unlike Catherine who was a after money and fame, she showed no sign of it and maintain a humble appearance.

Unlike the rumours around the castle that said that the daughter of the duke winchester was an ugly, untalented, spoilt brat, she showed him otherwise, leaving him speechless with every second he stayed with her.

He wished so much to be with her and unlike when he was with Catherinr, he felt his heart beating faster and faster, his cheeks heating up and the want of telling her all his worries and make her pity him, hug him, kiss him even more.

He wished so much that those pink lips were connected to his and he craved to explore every inch of her body.

The thought of taking her first time even rushed in his head, late at night and he could fell his erection harden with every picture of her naked begging for him in his imagination.

He, in his warm bed, slowly removing his underwear and pressing his hand on his shaft, slidded it up and down until he climaxed and fell asleep.


This is the longest chapter ive ever written in my life and i hope you are enjoying it. With 1193 words😱😱! I bet this chapter could be divided into three chapters so count it as three! This is all my chapters for this week and even if i did not reach the 10 expected or unexpected chapters, it is still much for me but i hope I'll be forgiven for the change of schedule!....

I'll say it again, unfortunately, I'll start random updates from now on and i might even not update for weeks but don't worry, if my books get reads, votes and comments most of the time, I'll never abandoned it and how the hell you want me to abandon wattpad? 😁.

Please forgive me if I'm terrible at writing those xxx scenes cuz I've never written them before and I'm using my knowledge of reading romance books to write that out.

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