15_the happy return

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Pov Richard

The hunt was finally over and i can now go home to rest and protect my little sister from those hungry wolves at home, especially the bodyguards that were secretly assigned to protect her.

Though i must admit they were experts among experts in their jobs, i could still see them, when am with her, drooling to her every movements as if wanting to eat her up!

I could even bet those paedophiles even secretly took pictures of her...

The hunt was quite a success since i did kill a few beasts and got a lot of their crystal hearts. Especially that huge bear who suddenly came out of nowhere... I bet i could make something good with that.

Crystal hearts are often used to make weapons or in some cases, some could absorb them to have better control over their magic.

Before returning to the castle, i needed to go see the weaponsmith to make a beautiful sword for Jane out of these crystals.

On my way to the weaponsmith's shop, i passed by a jeweller who was selling a beautiful amethyst coloured crystal necklace. I immediately felt that it would go perfectly with Jane's blue eyes and hair.

I approached the seller who was happily introducing every single jewelries he had to a young couple.

They were wearing the Magic academy's uniform and seemed to be purchasing quite a large amount of jewels.

The girl was around 5'5 foot tall and had long brown locks. From her way of speaking, i could tell that it was a commoner and the only one in magic academy.

They probably, like me just returned from the mountain and purchasing some jewels..

From my guess, the one besides her was the 3rd prince of the kimgdom and although, we haven't talked before, there were rumours that he is a cheerful and carefree person, always smiling and dealing with things positively.

He isn't that much favoured by his father since unlike his 2 elder brothers and little sister, he had the looks of his father and did not inherit one bit of his mother's look.

Though, he was much more handsome and elegant compared to his elder brothers, it did not help much since his father, the king has only his wife in his heart.


A very very happy new year to all of you! I'm sorry if I'm a bit late cuz it might already  be the second day of 2018 but am sure I'll be forgiven since it's still January the 1st in my country!😗.

I really appreciate all of you and i hope you've enjoyed it.

Unfortunately, i have some terrible news for all of you...

Updates might be a bit slower than usual after new year and will be updated at random since i always need to reread the story over and over again so as not to miss important details that ive written so far and the more chapters there is, the longer it becomes to read and write the next chapters...

But i do plan to make the most of my time using the one week holiday that i have left to write a few more chapters and publish them all at once next week ( can be any day of the week)

Please do offer me your support as i really need it cuz who knows.... i might come up with 10 chapters next week😁.

I'm also thinking of adding a idk how we call that but it's like chapters will be publish according to the number of readers, votes and comments!

I'm thinking about umm a 150 reads, 15 votes and 6 comments....

I'm putting the number of reads quite high cuz i might need time to write😅😅...

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