5-my magic is revealed

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Pov jane.
Father was very excited that i could use magic yet behind that happiness, i could sense a tinge of worry, worry that bad people would use me for bad deeds.

I knew that my parents were there for me and protect me and i was sure that if they knew that the prince was preparing to kill their precious daughter, they would be against, absolutely against the idea of me marrying him.

I knew that i could trust my lovely parents and i told them that all those magic came from somehow my imagination. But i just couldn't tell them those for now, the answer was quite simple. I did not want tk embarass myself by baby talking again!

I knew that for me i could use any type of magic that i wished and since i was once a bookworm on earth, i knew a lot of supernatural things that i could use like psychic, super strength, super speed, levitation, invisibility, ect.

Well for now, i should concentrate on reading and growing up and my magic practicing! Just wait, ill live ! Ill find a handsome husband!

Terribly sorry for the short chapter! But i promise I'll update soon♡ thanks for reading!  Hope you've enjoyed!

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