Heart to Heart Talk

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One bright and sunny day, in a ranch called Casa Del Toro, four young calves were outside doing they're own things. Three of them were pretending to be fighting bulls, while one was just lying on the ground, in the shade. She would glance at them now and then, but wouldn't pay them no mind. She was never a big fan of fighting in general. One of the calves, a light brown one, called out to her. "Hey Teri, how bout you try fighting along with us" he asked her. "Come on Bones, she's a girl, there's no way she can fight" said the brown and yellow one. "I don't know, Valiente, I kinda like a girl with a lot of skill" the black and red calf said, giving her a charming smile. "Seriously, Guapo, she can't even push you to the ground" said Valiente. She rolls her eyes a little and said "no thanks, guys. I'm fine". The young bull calves shrug their shoulders and continued playing. Then, Teri hears the door open and sees her best friend coming out with a bucket of water in his mouth. She gets up from her spot and goes up to him. "Hi Ferdinand" she said to him. The young calf looks at his friend and gives her a bright smile. "Hey Teri" he said. Teri helps him avoid the charging bull calves while Ferdinand carries the bucket to a spot underneath a wooden wheelbarrow. "How's your flower doing?" she asks him. "Oh, it's doing fine". As he said that, she bends down and admires it. "It's so beautiful, you did a pretty good job on it" she compliments. Ferdinand looks at her dreamily and unintentionally said "yeah, beautiful". She looks at him and blushes a bit. "I-I mean, the flower is beautiful, I-I've been taking really good care of it, and making sure it doesn't get stomped on". he stuttered, with a blush on his face. Teri giggles sweetly and both of them take a big sniff of the flower, sighing out, saying "wow".

Then, they hear Valiente, Guapo and Bones getting excited and they go over to see what's going on. "Wow, the truck is here!" Valiente said. "What truck?" Ferdinand asks. The brown and yellow calf groans and says "don't you know anything Ferdinand. If that truck is here, it means that the matador is going to pick a bull". "Who do you think he's going to pick?" "Duh, my dad". Teri hears about Valiente being the greatest bull ever, but didn't really pay much attention to him. Guapo said he is going to be picked because he's been working on his victory smile. Bones is going to get picked because he's the fastest. Valiente pushes him to the ground, saying he's not getting picked. "You're just a pile of bones, Bones" he said. Ferdinand and Teri go over and help him up. "Are you ok" asked Ferdinand. "Are you alright?" asked Teri."I don't need your help, weirdos, I'm fine". Then, Bones steps on the ground, almost stomping on the flower. "Careful!" Ferdinand said. "Yeah, watch where you're stepping" said Teri. Valiente sees it and asks "what'cha got there, you two?" Ferdinand tries to hide by crossing his legs and saying nothing Teri stays a little closer to him, helping him. He smirks and approaches them. "Um, don't you guys have more headbutting to do?" the black calf said, trying to let any harm come to him, Teri or the flower. "Nah, this is so much more interesting" Valiente said. With that said, he pushes him and said "would you look at this guy? The matador is going to pick a bull and all he's worried about is a dumb flower, and his little girlfriend". Teri goes up to him, standing up for Ferdinand. "Hey, leave him alone Valiente" she said, glaring at him. "Oh yeah, what are you going to do, little orphan Teri" When he said that, Teri's eyes widen a little but kept her stare on him. "Cut it out Valiente!" Ferdinand said. Valiente taunted him, telling him he was scared. When he said that he wasn't, he urged him to fight. Guapo and Bones chanted 'fight, fight' a few times, but Ferdinand still refused to fight, surprising them, including Teri. "You can hit me all you want, but leave Teri and the flower alone" said Ferdinand.

The tension was interrupted when a group of adult bulls came out from the stall, ready to show the matador what they can do. Ferdinand's father, Raf, tells his son to wish him good luck, with a smile and a wink when he did. Valiente, Bones and Guapo went over to watch while Ferdinand stayed behind with his friend, who still held a glare on Valiente, but was faltered when the words he said were repeated in her head. "Are you ok, Teri?" Ferdinand asks her, concern written on his face. She looks at him and said "I'm, I'm fine Ferd, I'm ok". He knew she was lying. He knew what Valiente meant by when he called Teri 'little orphan Teri'. Her father died when she was just born, and her mother died just a month ago, leaving her without any parent to care for her. Also, it left her very depressed and lonely. Ferdinand helped her and comforted her the best way he can. She got a little better, but it still hurt emotionally, a pain that can't be healed or put a band aid over. Ferdinand walks up to her and hugs her, with the young calf returning it. "It's okay, Teri. Don't listen to him, he just doesn't know how lucky you are to have close friend who always has your back" he explains, comforting her. Teri removes herself from the hug and gives him a small smile. He smiles back and asks "I know you're not a big fan of these things, and I'm not either, but would you like to watch my dad?" She thought about it for a bit and nodded her head yes. Then, they started making they're way to the fence to watch the bulls fight.  

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