Chapter 2. The Baby, The Dwarf, and The Drunk

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The next morning my eyes slowly fluttered open. The sun beamed, gently warming my face. It felt nice. It had been a while since I had actually been able to sleep peacefully. I was surprised I even slept at all. I had cried just like any other night, but somehow I had manage to drift off to sleep. Maybe it was the fact that I saw Fenris before I had gone to bed. My chambers were after all usually quiet, despite the constant requests. I sat up on my bed and sleepily looked around. It appeared I had managed to change the night before, and sat in my finery. I moved over and slowly let my feet dangle off of the bed. Varric had often made fun of me for being too short to reach the floor from my bed. It was a rather tall bed though. On the other hand, he had no room to talk. He couldn't even manage to sit on it. Thinking that made me laugh. Although I was no Dwarf, I was rather short for a human. Maybe around 5'2. I sat there in the silky covers of my bed for quite a bit, just thimking about random things. I had managed to hop off of my bed before I let my mind wander to the thought of Fenris again. I walked to the vanity, which was a newer addition to my room. Grabbing a brush, I took down my hair and began to gently comb through it. My hair was rather long and reached down to my lower back. Between all of the constant fighting, it was a rare sight to not see it pinned up or braided. Slowly brushing each auburn strand seemed to calm me. I brushed it into a nice side braid and walked downstairs. Bodahn was standing at the foot of the stairs as usual, and greeted me with a bright smile. I forced the best smile that I could manage. I walked over and sat by Frodo who lay on the floor in front of the fireplace. For a Mabari, he had always been a rather peaceful pup. I lightly scratched behind his right ear, causing him to look up at me. I smiled casually at him. "Good mornin' boy." I said softly. He barked quietly in return and lay his head back down while I continued to scratch his ear. He was obviously tired and I couldn't blame him. I had taken him with me on every adventure since we had come to Kirkwall. I stood up and walked back to my room allowing him to rest. Heading back to my chambers, I grabbed my armor and put it on. It was much heavier than my finery and practically wiped any chance of relaxing from my body. Checking my appearance once last time, I set off for Hightown. I had a few missions, but they weren't as urgent as the letters made them out to be, and so I was able to just walk around. It was a nice change of pace after constantly having to help with everything. Even though I had sided with Meredith, in the end, the lyruim rod had caused her to lose her mind and left me no choice but to attack. Everywhere I went I saw the noble women with their children and suitors. I sighed heavily. I was almost certain that I was the only woman in Kirkwall without a reasonable suitor. As I continued to walk, I ran into Aveline. She was out at the market with Donnic and their daughter Blair. I was so glad that Aveline was finally able to be happy again. She had found a love like no other. She never forgot about Wesley though... I'm sure this is what he would have wanted for her. It's odd knowing that Aveline is a mother now. She was a pain in the ass during her pregnancy.

"Hawke if you don't hurry up, I swear on Andraste's holy neck I will pop this child out of my womb so I can give you a proper beating!" She would often yell at me. I laughed remembering the struggle with having to deal with an even moodier Aveline. She wasn't very good with names either. I had suggested 'Blair', as I'd been told its meaning was "warrior on the battlefield." At first she wasn't very fond of the name, but it must have grown on her. It seemed to suit her very well in my opinion. Blair was an adorable child with scarlet pigtails. She looked very similar to her mother, but also had many features of her father, such as his deep brown eyes.

"Hawke, it is good to see you again." Aveline said greeting me with a hearty smile.

"You as well Aveline. It sure has been a while." I said returning the smile.

"Indeed." She replied.

"So Donnic, has it been hard stepping in as Captain of the Guard?" I laughed, turning my attention towards him.

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