Chapter 2- Sally and Luke

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Rosetta's POV

I walked toward the Inkling. I looked back at Lívia, only to see her with a 'are-you-crazy-or-have-you-gone-mad-that's-an-Inkling-you-Octo' look on her face. I chuckled. Lívia has like, a trillion face expressions. That was just ONE of them. I know her better then the back of my hand, so I wasn't surprised when she looked at me like that, but it was still funny.

ANYWAY, back to the Inkling. I walked in her direction. She looked up at me and her eyes grew big in fear. She struggled to get up, but she just fell. She had cuts and bruises all over her body, and her clothes were ripped, her shoes had holes in them, she was covered from head to roe in dirt, and to top it all off, her tentacles were bleeding.

"What are you doing here? Inkling are despised here!" I asked her.

"I-i s-saw something m-moving, a-and I w-went to go s-see it..." she responded, trying her best not to cry.

"But... how did you get here?" I questioned on.

"Th-through the squid-whole. Luke told me not to m-mess with it b-but I didn't listen!" She started to cry.
"Th-the guards d-didn't like that I was there, s-so they beat m-me up and threw m-me onto the s-street..."

I thought about my dream. I thought about the voice. I thought about all of that, and I made my final decision.

I bent down to her level, and asked her,
"What's your name, squid?"
"I-i'm Sally,"
"I'm Rosetta. Well, Sally, I'm going to help you get back to Inkopolis,"
Her eyes lit up.
"Really? T-that's great! Th-thank you!" She thanked me happily. She tried to get up again, but this time she actually was able to. She gave me a hug.

I was shocked. I hadn't expected her to do that. After I got out of my doze I hugged her back.

"Livia! Come here!" I called her.
She came over, and I told her with a smirk on my face,
"We're going to go to Inkopolis,"


The whole gang was there to help Sally. Not all of them wanted to, but I was their leader, and they didn't want to upset me.

Under the squid-hole were four guards. An Octo-Sniper, Twintacle Octotrooper, an Octoling with seaweed and an Octocammander.Each one facing opposite directions. I motioned to Destiny, and she sent a seeker right towards the middle of them. They shot at it, but, while their backs were turned, we splatted the unsuspecting Octarians.

Livia got the ladder, I went up it and then we helped Sally come up.

Once Sally was up, we closed the squid-hole. Sally led me to her house.

Once we got there, Sally knocked on the door a few times. We waited for a few seconds, and then heard the door unlocking. The door opened, and I saw a boy, probably a year older than me.

"Sally! Oh my cod! Where have you been?!? We've looked everywhere for

He scooped her up in a hug, and he started crying.

"We called the police, and they've been looking for you for days!"

They stayed in that position for a little while, and I just stood there awkwardly.

Once they had finished their family reunion, Sally introduced me to him.

"Rosetta, this is Luke, my brother. Luke, this is Rosetta, the girl that helped save me,"

I shook hands with Luke.

"Thank you ever so much, Rosetta. Sally here's been missing for 'bout a week, now," he thanked me.

"My pleasure. She was on the street when I found her," I responded.

He looked at the little girl.

"You have to tell me all that happened," he ordered the little girl.

"Can Rosetta com in? Pleeease?" Sally begged her older brother.

"I'm sorry, but I can't come in right now. The rest of the gang are waiting for me," I explained.

"Yeah, I guess you're right..." she sighed.
She gave me another hug, and I hugged back.
"Bye!" I said as I waved to her.
"Byyyye!" She said as she waved back.

I entered into the squid-hole, content with my decision. When I was on my feet again, right under the squid-hole, 4 Octoling guards were around me.

"Our leader, Dj Octavio V, wants to see you. He sent us to escort you to him," one of them said.

Oh carp. I'm in trouble, aren't I.


"I've been seeing everything that you do. I've had a team of profressional stalkers stalk you," Dj Octavio V said, while staring at his nails, and then continued, "and with your last stunt, you have proved yourself,"

"What have I proven? That I'm a criminal worthy of death?" I scoffed "Yup, that's exactly what I've proven, right? Saving the little Inkling girl? Yup, that's worthy of death," I retorted.

"I like that attitude!" He exclaimed.
"Actually," he continued, "you've proven quite the opposite. You've proven your skills in battle. We both know that you have a black belt, and I want to put that to good use. You fight just like the Agents of the old Squidbeak Splatoon. They were very successful, and I think you could be, too. I'm appointing you to be the head general of my army. The only one who's rank is higher than yours is mine,"

My jaw dropped. Me? General o-of, the whole Octarian army? O-oh wow...

He wasn't done talking quite yet.
"Besides... I need talent like yours for a big mission... And you are the perfect Octoling for the job, so tell me," he paused, and then continued, "will you except this invitation? Oh yes, I almost forgot to add... your friends little will also get very honorable and high ranks. Honestly, if I were you I would except this, but it's in your hands. What will be your answer?"

Authors Note: Hello! Tj here! I hope you liked this chapter! I ended up writing it instead of G, just because she can't spell very well, so she takes a long time to write something. So, G and I came to the agreement that I would do the actual writing of the chapters, while the both of us would make up the plot and such.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2018 ⏰

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