The outCAST

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Species: Octoling

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Eyes: teal

Tentacles: Light blue with pink ends

Hair accessory: short beanie

Top: hip-hop/crop-top with with a dark blue background. The words 'I DON'T GIVE A' in pink and the word 'CARP' in green.

Pants: jeans ripped at the knees

Shoes: pink trainers

Likes: ice cream, having fun, turf war, ranked mode, rapping, sassy/sarcastic remarks.

Dislikes: paint, Inklings, wearing a dress, high-heals.

Characteristics: Sassy, out going, sarcastic, rebel


Species: Inkling

Gender: Female

Age: 14

Eyes: blue

Tentacles: pink with blue ends

Hair accessory: squid print cap

Top: squid print tee

Pants: shorts

Shoes: squid print slip-ons 

Likes: ice cream, cake, milkshakes, shopping, dressing up, Victor.

Dislikes: bullying, mean remarks, etc.

Characteristics: bubbly, girly, loyal, nice.


Species: Inkling

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Eyes: yellow

Tentacles: yellow

Hair accessory: studio headphones

Top: tee with squid logo

Pants: shorts

Shoes: cream basics

Likes: cake, ice cream, food, turf war, ranked, Victoria.

Dislikes: bullying, when people flirt with his sister, when they mess with Victoria in general, when Victoria gets hurt.

Characteristics: Loyal, smart, witty, lovable 


Species: Inkling 

Gender: Male

Age: 14

Eyes: brown

Tentacles: green

Hair accessory: hero set replica

Top: Always changing

Pants: always changing

Shoes: always changing

Likes: Rosetta, cupcakes,food, history

Dislikes: the Octarian leader, Rosetta's adopted parents, practically just everyone that was mean or didn't like Rosetta

Characteristics: Brave, courageous, smart, fast, lean, loyal.

A/N: Hiya! Tj here! This is the cast of this book! Did you get the pun? The outCAST? The name of the chap? No? Ok. Of course, there are many more characters than just these, but these are Rosetta and her best friends. She only meets most of these characters only after chapter one, but these are the mains. Also, VICTORIA AND VICTOR ARE SIBLINGS  so don't get any bad ideas ;). Anyway, enjoy the book!

Tj out!

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