Chapter 4: Defending a Friend

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(A/N: Well, hello my fellow readers and followers. Here is chapter 4 of this story, and just a reminder, there will be another voting pole and the end of this story between Coco and Emerald since they got a tie in the Blake story (and if anyone voted on them, future votes don't count) so be sure to watch for that,

Now with all that said, let the reading begin.)

Ruby P.O.V

"After finding out that she has a crush on (Y/N), Ruby's been hanging out with (Y/N) more and today she was excited, she got ready and she walked out and ran down the hallway. She was running, until she was bumped into and she fell on the ground.......

Ruby: "Ouch."

????: "Watch it."

.......she recognized the voice and she looks to see Cardin Winchester and his team CRDL looking at her.......

Cardin: "Oh it's you."

Ruby: "Back off Cardin." *gets up*

........she was gonna walk off, until she was pushed into the wall and Cardin held her there.......

Cardin: "Where do you think you're going? You ain't going anywhere until you apologize for bumping into me."

Ruby: "I ain't apologizing."

........Cardin grabs her shirt and lifts her up, then another hand came outta nowhere and gripped Cardin's wrist and squeezing it and made him drop Ruby. Then he looks to see who it was, then he was punched in the face and he walks back. Then Ruby looks to see its (Y/N) and she smiles after seeing him........

Ruby: "(Y/N)."

(Y/N): "What's the big idea Cardin? Huh? You better not think you can get away with bullying people cause it's about time someone taught you a lesson."

Cardin: "Bring it. I ain't scared of you."

(Y/N): "You will be."

.........Cardin got mad at that, then the rest of Team RWBY and (Y/N)'s team arrived then Natalie and Yang helps Ruby up and she dusts herself off........

Lilian: "What's going on here?"

(Y/N): "I was walking down the hall and I saw Cardin here holding Ruby by her shirt."

Tristen: "What?"

.......Yang's eyes glew red and she was gonna walk towards them, until (Y/N) stopped her........

(Y/N): "I'll teach him a lesson Yang. I got this."

Yang: *eyes turns back to normal* "Okay, I trust you'll beat him down."

(Y/N): "I will."

.........Cardin and his team walks off and Ruby continued on hanging out with (Y/N), then they was walking through the courtyard and they lookup to see Miss Goodwitch walking up to them.......

Goodwitch: "Mister (L/N), I was told by one of your teammates that you stopped Cardin Winchester from hurting Miss Rose here, is that true?"

(Y/N): "Yes, it's true. He was holding Ruby by her shirt and had her pinned on the wall. So, I stopped him and I was thinking about teaching him a lesson in your class tomorrow."

Goodwitch: "Very well, I'll make the announcement. Thank you for being honest, have a good day Mister (Y/N) and Miss Rose."

.......they nod and she walks off and they continue on hanging out today and they went to a restaurant and they was talking about their memories they had and Ruby remembered the time (Y/N) helped her again one time.......

Ruby Rose x Male Reader: A Childhood Friendship becomes loveWhere stories live. Discover now