"It was nice meeting you, Katya." He said politely before moving to look for Peter.

Natasha was at my side in the next minute, resting her hand on my forearm. "Who's that?" She asked, watching the figure of the retreating boy.

"Sam Alexander, otherwise known as Nova. He's around Peter's age, I forgot how old." I informed my girlfriend. "He's looking for his father and trying to figure out how to become a hero and fill his father's shoes. Sam Alexander is going to be very strong when he is older."

Natasha nodded thoughtfully. "And he knows Peter?" I nodded. "I have a crazy idea."

I met her eyes. "What is it?"

"What if we created almost like a youth Avenger group?" She asked. "Just a bunch of kids around Peter's age and we can help them become the heroes we know they can be. They'll take care of the smaller threats, and keep the city safe and all that. Then they can be our backup on the really big tasks."

I thought about this. Natasha's idea was a good one, and I liked it. "I love how you think." I smiled at my redhead. "We can place Peter on it, and Sam Alexander."

"Spider-Man and Nova." Natasha nodded, looking around the room. She pointed out another teenager. "Who is she?"

"Doreen Green. She's a college student. Made her first impression trying to impress Tony. I guess it worked enough to land her an invite."

"Her hero name?" Natasha asked.

"Squirrel Girl."

Natasha cracked a smile. "Where did she come up with that one?"

"She can talk to squirrels. She's got reflexes, speed, and strength. Doreen even has retractable claws." 

Natasha hummed, watching Doreen interact with a dark boy I remember knowing as Cloak. I wasn't sure of his real name, but I knew in the hero world he went by Cloak. 

"I'll go talk to those two. They seem young enough." She glanced around the room. "You spread out, talk to whatever young person you see."

"Try not to mention your little idea until we have the team's permission." I stopped her walk, and she gave me a wink in response, pulling herself free to talk to Cloak and Doreen. 

I shrugged, finishing my glass of champagne and setting it down on a table. I adjusted my blazer once more and looked around the room. Natasha will be disappointed in me if I don't come up with at least a few names and numbers, so I decided to just look for someone. I was pleased to see Sam Alexander speaking with Peter, and the boy I recognized as Iron Fist.

I made my way over, and smiled at the three boys, stopping my eyes to linger on Iron Fist. "I've heard a lot about you, Iron Fist. You're pretty powerful." I began by introducing myself. I talked with the three boys and walked off with Danny Rand's name and number.

After speaking with young aspiring heroes like Spider-Woman, Power Man, a very young Amadeus Cho, and the Scarlet Spider Ben Reilly. They all were a very intriguing bunch, and I had high hopes for them, as long as the team passes the idea of a youth Avenger group.

I sat on a couch and watched people pass by. I sipped my second glass of champagne thoughtfully, wondering how the team would take the idea. I'm sure they wouldn't be opposed to it. Besides, it's safer to have these younger heroes where we can keep an eye on them. It's better they be an ally rather than an enemy.

"Miss me?" A sweet voice purred in my ear. I turned and grinned at my girlfriend. She sat next to me on the couch, pressed close to me because there was hardly any room here. 

"Very much." I simpered.

She leaned forward and put her lips near my ear. "I wish I could kiss you right now, but there are so many people around."

"Who cares?" I responded. "Let them see us."

"Not yet." She pushed her face away from mine. "Today is a day for Andrea, let's not turn it into a gossip about us." I pouted, and she laughed a melodic sound. "Don't worry, I'll give you plenty of kisses later." She whispered.

"I'm excited now." I grinned.

Before more could be said, Tony stood on a chair and got everyone's attention. He started to speak, using humor to get everyone warmed up, and then started to talk about Andrea. "My daughter, Andrea Raven Stark, is probably the most beautiful child in the world. I'm the luckiest father ever. So, a toast to my daughter. Let's welcome her to our large, diverse family." He raised his glass to the crowd, and we all raised ours in response, sipping whatever was in our glasses.

This definitely was a very large, and very diverse family. Andrea Raven Stark was lucky to have us around, and hopefully, she will grow to have our mindset of good.

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