Chapter One: Learn How to Live

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"Let's get going guys!" Corey whined from the back of the RV. I️ love Corey to death but god, sometimes he just complains a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean pretty much all the time.

"I️ though you didn't even wanna go explore this place." Elton chuckled while starting up the RV engine.

"I️ mean, I️ don't but I️ wanna get it over with. Do we not remember how the last exploration went?" He says, referring to the time we almost got shot by some random psycho. Let's just say, we were somewhere we should not have been and the people there were not too happy with us.

"You seriously gotta learn how to live." I️ laughed, kicking my feet up on the table.

"Me, learn how to live? We almost got fucking killed!" Corey screamed, waving his arms obnoxiously around in the air.

"Whatever, this place hasn't had anybody in it in years so no ones gonna be there to kill us. Calm down Cor." Sam said.

Corey exhaled deeply and loud, loud enough for everyone in the RV to hear. I️ shut my eyes, hoping to get a little sleep before we spend the night in some creepy abandoned town Sam found out about from some bootleg website. Because one thing I know for sure, I'm not gonna be getting much sleep tonight.

"Please tell me we didn't bring the Ouija board with us." Corey asked. We all looked at each other smirking.

Of course we did.

But we all knew that if we told Corey that we did, he would flip shit and definitely not leave the RV.

If he knew that we even had it in the RV he would kill us.

"Seriously guys!!!" Corey yelled, slamming his hands down on the table.

"Calm down! It's not like we haven't done it before." Elton said.

"That's the thing! We've done it so many times that ghosts follow us around! Now we're gonna have some Netherland ghost haunting us on top of the ones that are already at the house." Corey flipped out, making all of us burst out in laughter at how skeptical he is.

"No we won't," I️ said quietly. I️ don't think anyone heard me, which was good cause everyone shut up.

"We should probably do the intro to the video before it gets too dark." Sam said right as I was about to get some shut eye.

We all nodded and grabbed our cameras, setting them up on the tripods. One by one, we all began our video intros.

"Hey, whatsup guys! Today me, Sam, Aunt Corey, and Uncle Elton are gonna be doing an all nighter at an abandoned town while we're here in the Netherlands." I️ began talking to the camera.

"So apparently, this town has been abandoned since the early 90's and there is rarely anyone that goes to explore it." Sam interrupted, reading from his phone.

I️ finished up my video intro and shut off my camera. Just a few more hours of being stuck in this RV and then, into the dark and creepy town for the night.

I️ was really looking forward to sleeping in my bed tonight, but it looks like that's not gonna be happening.


"Oh come on guys! Let's go do something crazy tonight!" Noah yelled as he sat up from his slouched posture in the bean bag chair.

Noah can't sit still for one second, can he? He always wants to be doing something or going somewhere.

"How about, we all stay in tonight since last night we were out til 4 in the morning." Kara said sarcastically, looking up from her phone.

"I'm still a bit hungover from the club last night, so I'm all in on Kara's idea." Finn said as he rubbed his temples with his forefingers.

"I could go for a good adventure," Mila stood up, a smile growing on her face.

"Yes! Anyone else want in?" He asked enthusiastically, happy that he's getting his way. I️ slowly raised my hand.

"Fine, I guess I'll go with you guys." I️ stood up also.

I️ have to admit, I️ do love a good adventure. After I joined in on the plan, everyone else followed except for Finn and Kara.

"So it's Ali, me, Mila, Levi, and Lucas going?" Noah asked. We all nodded and got up from our lazy positions around the living room.

Each of us grabbed a backpack and began to fill it with essentials: snacks, drinks, portable chargers, flashlights, blankets and pillows. Just the things that we would absolutely need for the night.

"Where exactly are we going?" Lucas chuckled as he downed a 5 hour energy drink.

"There's that abandoned town that we went to that one time a few years ago. We could always just go there." I️ suggested to Noah. He shook his head yes and grinned.

"To the creepy old town we go!" Levi yelled, throwing his hands up in the air.

"See you guys later!" We all yelled back to the others as we ran out to the car. Noah got in the drivers seat, Mila got shotgun, and me, Lucas, and Levi were stuck in the backseat.

It's a little while of a drive to the town so I️ decided I️ would get some sleep since we would be up most of the night. We stopped at a gas station for some more snacks and Red Bull's before heading on our way.

Before I get too deep into this story, let me introduce everyone.

Hi, I'm Allison Kurt, though most of my friends just call me Ali. I️ was born and raised most of my life in America; Connecticut to be more specific. But since my father is in the military,
my family has been moved around a lot. My family got transferred to Delft, Netherlands when I️ was 14. But since I'm 19 now, I've decided to stay in Delft with my friends while the rest of my family had to move to Germany. I️ like it in the Netherlands. It's calm and peaceful, everyone's kind here. Delft is a quiet little town where everyone pretty much knows everyone.

These are my best friends, Mila, Noah, Finn, Lucas, Levi, and Kara. Me, Mila, and Kara share an apartment together. They're like my sisters, and the boys are like my brothers. I️ wouldn't trade them for anything in the world. We spend practically every day together. Today just so happens to be one of those days. And yesterday. And the day before yesterday. Yea, you could say we hang out a lot.

We went out to brunch this morning, we went to the mall together, we went back to the apartment and played board games. And now we're going exploring an abandoned town.

This is the normal routine. Most nights it's clubbing though. Yes I️ know that in America the drinking age is 21, but here in the Netherlands it's 18.

I️ stared out the window as the trees sped past us. Conversations went on in the distance between everyone. Most times, I'm the quiet one of the group. Before I️ knew it, we were pulling up to a very faint pebble path that entered the darkness of the forest.

"This, my friends, is where the adventure begins." Noah turned off the car.

Time to have some fun.

Time to have some fun

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